Here's the yarn: one of the two skeins, I'll be making mittens with the other one.
And here are the finished socks:
I used Fleegle's toe-up no-flap no-hassle sock pattern, which is my go to pattern for very well fitting toe-up socks. I only do toe-ups with handspun yarn, and prefer cuff down with all the others. I've tried many toe-up recipes, and this one I liked best.
A day after we got that mat, the boys settled down on it together. They needed a day to get used to it first. Now it's all combinations of all of them down there, or just one at a time, but I never have space to stretch out my legs. Once, all three of them fit on it, but not for long.
I've enjoyed reading Preita's blog for some time now. July was Preita's Birthday month, and she celebrated with her readers by giving away goodies from her Etsy shop. I was lucky to get this lovely fiber:
It's 100% Polwarth, 4oz, colorway River Rock. I picked it out myself. Before I knew the name, I thought of pebbles on the beach. I also got one (Channel Island shawl) of her lovely shawl patterns , and I'm waiting just for the right yarn and time to cast it on.
Thank you very much, Preita!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
can't wait to see what you do with the mittens and this yarn!
I've been reading your blog for a pretty long while now, but I've never commented I don't think. Anyway, I love everything you do - your knitting and your dogs and your photos, and I especially admire your spinning because it's something I'd really love to learn to do. That's it I guess :) Have a nice day!
Those socks are stunning!
I don't know why the fiber is called Henry, but I do know it was inspired by a picture of dessert.
Liebe Monika!
Du spinnst einfach unglaublich schöne Garne! Ich bin einfach nur BEGEISTERT!
Deshalb, begeisterte Grüsse - ZiZi
I haven't done any handspun socks yet so I'll try that pattern when I do. The Henry socks are very pretty! Silly puppies. It's so nice that they all like each other so much!
You were quick to whip up those Henry socks - and they are lovely.
I love the color of your new fiber and polwarth is right up there with BFL among my favorites.
How does it feel to get back to knitting? Pretty good, eh?
First, those socks are beautiful! I love the colors. Second, it seems like a no-brainer, but I think you should spin the River Rock fiber to make the shawl! Of course, I'm not a spinner so I'm clueless as to if that's a good idea.
Beautiful roving + Beautiful spinning = Beautiful socks! They are gorgeous.
Wow - the socks are great! Thanks for showing us.
hat's an interesting pattern and I think your handspun wool looks beautiful as the Henry socks.
The pups are so sweet lying there on the mat! I can't imagine how all three fit!!
Great socks! Really pretty! I usually do the same thing as you when knitting socks. Toe up is safer when using handspun.
The dog picture is so sweet.
Love the socks!
Great socks, love the colours, I've just spun my first sock yarn, which I feel I can knit into a pair of socks, not as consistent as yours, but will use the pattern you suggest.
Anita in the UK
These socks are really great! I love the colours and how the stripes came out. Cute doggie pic! Isn't it amazing how sometimes they squeeze themselves together into a place too small for them?
I absolutely love the gold and wine colour together. I'll have to try those socks one day soon.
Das sind wirklich ganz wunderschöne Garne und natürlich auch die Socken daraus. Besonders gefallen mir die Farbverläufe, da braucht es kein zusätzliches Muster. Danke für die tollen Bilder.
Liebe Grüsse
I LOVE those socks. So bright and cheery - I might have to dye myself some yarn like that!
i LOVE those socks! beautiful!
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