After my last shawl was done, and packed away, there was a void in my knitting universe. Voids tend to get filled pretty quickly. I was just thinking what I would like to knit next, when the doorbell rang, I kid you not, and I got yarn delivery! I didn't expect anything. Imagine my surprise when I unpacked and this yarn was in it. Well, I did order it, of course, what did you think? But it was back in March, right after I got the book Lace Style. I wanted the same yarn as in the book, or I should say, Hannah choose this model and liked the cherry red as in the book. Since I was ordering anyway, why not. I do like the richness of this cherry red. Something I would never choose for myself, but it's nice to work with for a change. Work with it is the key word here. I'd rather clean house than sit and knit. Really! I told you I'm procrastinating on something. I've added another couple of pattern repeats on this back piece. I hate cables!!! I hate cables!! Whiny, whiny, whine here! I was ready to either poke myself with the cable needle or do some serious harm to the next person who approached me, when I remembered reading somewhere about "knitting cables without cable needle". Well, off I went to Google it. Needless to say I found a very nice tutorial from Wendy of Wendy Knits. She did even a Youtube video. I've never learned something that fast! Now I'm (almost) cruising along. It's slow going nevertheless. Knitting with sports weight yarn on 3.75mm (O.K. not that bad) can't possibly go fast. Hannah choose the long version of this model. Big Sigh!
Oh well, I've got until July to finish this cardigan, when she'll be back for a short time. Her B-day is in June, that would have been hard on me, but now I think I can do it by July. Still, I'm dreaming of knitting the second sleeve already. Don't think I'll ever get there. The instructions are pages and pages long. How can you guys knit one sweater, cardigan, vest after another??? - and still go back for more???

I'm having fun here. I'd like to ply this red with the green from a previous post. The samples as it turns out are different weights. The red would not have been enough (I still think there's not enough), so I added some blue, just because. Just looking at this picture makes me happy, and I have the real thing here too! Think of all the cool yarn I can make, given I get better with time. I can do whatever I want. The unfortunate thing right now is, that I've got only two more samples left to play with. I'm still looking for a good source of fiber. I'd like to buy local or from somewhere in Canada, but I've found nothing so far. The nice green lichen and glacial green roving I bought at Gemini fibers is available at an online shop from the U.S. as well. So I'm wondering where it originated. Anyway, today I've got a delivery with some Shetland roving in black, grey and natural white. I'll spin that for a shawl form the book "Folk Shawls", but that's far in the future. I don't want to mess up the fiber just yet. ;o)

By the way, I'm one of them. I succumbed and bought this and this.