Happy smelled the sheepy smell, which was there, but not overpowering so.
So I went to my fiber stash and grabbed a bag of undyed fiber. To my dismay there was no indication in or on the bag what fiber it was. I have only one photo of it which said Mixed breed on it. I can't remember where I bought it or what it is. But from the feel of it, it's a Medium wool, something like Columbia (which I remember buying at one point, but I still have several more bags of fiber, and I didn't go check if it's still there), or Corriedale, which I've never bought in this large amount.
The fiber fluff above fit on six bobbins nicely. It was a pleasure to spin right out of the bag. There was a little veggie matter, which I picked out as I went. Otherwise it was clean. There was the smallest amount of Lanolin in it, which kept my fingers smooth, but not uncomfortable so.
That's Maggie whizzing by, just glancing at me, what I'm doing there. No time to stand still though.
This was a wonderful feeling of accomplishemnt when I hang it all out to dry:
And the fruits of my labor:
It fluffed up a bit after it was dry. I've navajo plied it, and got seven skeins of yarn, with a total of 1,688yds. The whole bag was 704grams/24.8oz heavy (weight of finished yarn).
I kind of got a taste for spinning natural fiber now, and will see what else I've got in my stash to spin something like that in between those colorful Fiber club offerings. I hope there will be some kind of hint with the other fibers as to what they are though.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
And for all Canadians: don't forget to vote on Monday!!!