This is it's temporary place for a while. The dogs leave it alone, even Denny.
I love how the color transitions look.
I love how the zig-zag border came out.
The knit on cast off edge took forever, so it seemed.
I didn't have to spin more yarn, in fact I had about 3yds left over of the Pale Aqua yarn. :o)
I used handspun yarn again.
This as the main color: Pale Aqua on Falkland, dyed by Ginny of FatCatKnits: I only needed 24oz of this, ten ounces less than for my first one, which was made with thicker yarn.
and the contrasting colors: I have enough left over from these to make one or two hats.
pattern: Old Forge by Stephen West
yarn: handspun by me, fiber from FatCatKnits, Falkland, 3-ply
needle: 5mm
size after steam blocking: 53" in diameter
mods: I left out the lace pattern again and added the stitch pattern earlier instead. I made the spokes the same length this time. I did the stripes where the stitch pattern should have been. Used smaller needle. Didn't do the purl rounds in the inner circle, just plain stockinette stitch rounds.
I think I'm done now with this pattern, but I must say, I loved knitting all three of them. That I made them with my handspun yarn was one reason for it. I don't think I would have done this three times with commercial yarn.
I'll move on now.
Oh, and since somebody always asks, if I were to sell this blanket, I would ask $ 1,200.00 plus shipping and handling for it. :o)