Denny turned two years old today! Unbelievable, it felt like 10 years with him already! Although his behavior has improved 100%, he's still a handful and then some.

Don't let him fool you with his innocent looks.

He's throwing his things around, mostly the little devil squeaky toys.

He found a new way to use the sofa for his pleasure.

A big bone like that is no challenge for him.

After many tries he finally found a position on this chair, which seemed comfortable enough for a few minutes.

Since he's eating a lot of ice when we are outside, he snuggles for warmth on my chewed on, sheepy smelling shawl. (he was the one who chewed on it, of course). Sometimes we have to cover him, so he can warm up again. Yes, you, I'm talking about you!
The Bagel TreeOf course, what's a Denny post without a Denny story. I've been dying to tell this one.
Some time ago, it was already getting dark, we went outside with the dogs for a last run for the day. This is always hectic, and loud in the beginning. They all run like they have rockets tied to their asses, until they got rid of some overflowing energy.
That particular evening, we tried to keep track of what they were doing. I didn't see Denny right away, but I heard him. He was whining, the way he does, when he's impatient, and frustrated at the same time, and the lower branches of the old Spruce tree out back were rustling.
I called him, since I didn't know what he was doing, and I didn't want him to get into trouble, that's when I saw him jumping up into the branches. Clearly he saw something there.
So, when I called him, he came running, with something in his mouth, his tail curled almost double with triumph. Boy, do I hate it when they find stuff, and I don't know what it is.
Luckily when I told him to drop it, he did so right away. That's when I saw, that he's found a bagel in the tree! Damn squirrels! (don't know why they don't get the message, that there are three dogs on the grounds, and keep coming)
The bagel was almost whole, and I threw it away. That was certainly exciting enough, but what told us once again how smart Denny is, was the following days.
Every time we went into the backyard, he raced as fast as his short legs could take him to the Bagel Tree, checking if there's something else since last time he checked. This continued for about a week, until he stopped checking.
We all forgot about it after a while.
Then, one day, Happy found some piece of toast in one of the small Spruce trees, picked it out of the branches, and dropped it, when I yelled at him. It was a fine piece of toast, only butter, and honey were missing. The three of them checked it out, before I threw it away.
Then, next day, and a few days after that, Denny ran up to that tree, first thing, and checked if by some good luck, there's something else growing there. Alas, no more. Apparently it takes him a week to forget about it.
I found anther piece of bread on a third occasion. Maggie smelled something on the ground, but didn't find it (before I did), but I looked and removed it.
The thing is, Denny remembered, and checked, but the other two were la-di-da about it, rather playing, and not thinking about bagels growing on trees at all.
Happy Birthday, my little Brownie, we love you!