I realize this is a knitting blog, but not much knitting has been going on during my trip, or since my return back home.
This trip was very important to me, since my life has become narrow, confined, cut off from the rest of the world. I discovered that there IS a world outside the knitting world, where people have no clue, nor interest in knitting or any other fiber activity, even the only yarn shop owner in the small town of Fuerstenfeld, where I stayed with my parents, knew nothing about knitting blogs or Ravelry. I tried to explain to her, but in the end she just called me weird in my face, which had me stumped, but I had to laugh too. Poor woman, she doesn't know what she's missing. Her store is a one room store, with one half stuffed with yarn, the other half was reserved for all kinds of needle point stuff and other. She did not have a single Knitting magazine, except some from Lang Yarn, which she was selling. I was only interested in sock yarn, but there was not much to choose from. I was looking for Regia Silk, which she didn't have. I still managed to buy a few balls of self patterning sock yarn, because I liked the happy colors. And there were new Hundertwasser sock yarn colorways I liked too. I was surprised to find, that she did not have Steinbach cotton thread at all! I was so sure I would find it there, since it's an Austrian company, but no luck there. I did not want to leave without any cotton thread, still thinking of knitting Franklin's 1840 Nightcap. I choose a different brand, in these colorways. Not all are meant for Nightcaps, but for lace shawls as well.
Out front there was some sock yarn on SALE. I took one ball of 6-fach sock yarn and knit a pair of socks on 3mm needles for my son. I just managed to finish them on time. They were meant for bed socks, and he wore them before I could take a picture, so you get a picture of worn socks! :o)

By the way, I took some lace knitting with me to the airport. I started to knit a shawl while waiting for the flight. I had no problems whatsoever with security, but since it was a night time flight, I did not knit on the plane at all. I think I'll rip what I have so far, but it was good to have, to keep me occupied while waiting.

You'd like to know if Sam missed me? This is him, sleeping in David's bedroom, in the middle of the night, taken with his cell phone. Want to see another one? Same dog, different night. He slept like that each night.

... sometimes Biko got to use the bed as well. When I returned Sam ignored me until the next day. He's so funny.

... next post I'll show you some goodies I've brought home with me, or I might squeeze in a post about places I went ...