Yarn Harlot may get over her knitting frustrations with a stiff drink, but I don't. The closest I get to booze is, when I sniff the veil with Rum flavor in my baking cabinet.
Whom was I kidding? I could not let a half finished shawl keep lying around, and start another one, as much as I wanted to. I just couldn't.
I asked my son to rip back more than half of it, which he obviously enjoyed. I picked up hundreds of stitches, and decided to change shawl design altogether. Apart from the wrong color choice before, I didn't like the long tails this pattern called for. I was glad that I got to see that. A little thinking was in order, and thus I pulled out the needle once again, to rip back further. The "Feather & Fan" shawl was now going to be the "Wool Peddler" shawl. :o)
I finished knitting on Friday, blocked it on Saturday.
pattern: Wool Peddler shawl from "Folk Shawls" by Cheryl Oberle
yarn: Classic Yarns RY Cashsoft DK, 6 balls - 852yds (each ball 50g/142yds), color # SH 506, 57% extra fine merino, 33% microfiber, 10% cashmere. The quality of this yarn was crap, but the feel is very soft, and it's light. I like how it feels, but will not buy this yarn again. I think I've got a bad batch. The store I bought it from said, it's half prize because the colorway is going to discontinued. I wonder if that's true.
The shawl has a halo, when you start pulling at the halo, white stuff gets easily pulled out.
needles: 5mm circular
size after blocking: wing span 73" x 39"
destination: comfort shawl for Christl

The color in this picture is not true at all, but I like it anyway. I like how the garter stitch part starts to ripple, when you start the lace pattern. This is one of the easiest shawls, but I like the simple look. I admit, I like garter stitch, and why not? The funny thing is, this is my first FO in 2008. In 2007 my first FO was a Wool Peddler shawl too!
I like to block the edge to points, because I like it, but also because it's much easier than to block it in a straight line, which one day I'd like to do also. I like both looks.
The original Wool Peddler doesn't have yarn over rows in the garter stitch part, but mine does, because it started out as another shawl.
I'm going to pack it up today and tomorrow it will be on its way to Europe. I sure hope Christl will like it. I've put it over my shoulders this morning, after I cut off the ends. It's light on the shoulders, but warm, and so soft. The size is just right too, at least for me. Christl has a daughter who has cancer. She told me on the phone, "Why does it have to be her (daughter), and not herself?" She also said, she's old and would love to give her life for her daughters. A little later she found out, that she had a growth on her kidney, which didn't help her daughter at all, and now Christl has to deal with her own problems as well.
Since I can't be there to give her a hug in person, I hope this shawl will hug her many times in my place.