Here it is: Henry, Falkland, chain plied, 305yds. This was my second batch of 4oz.
Sorry about the mass of pictures. I'm just so darn happy with how this turned out. I can't wait to knit this one up. It might just hop on my needles, once Tour de Fleece is over, and turn into my July socks.
Here are both skeins. The left one was the first one with 282yds, and the right one is the new one, with 305yds.
I've started spinning Esther, but got only one bobbin done out of three. I'm still working on it though, and might get the second one done today. It will have to wait for finishing on Tuesday, since tomorrow is the long awaited rest day. It's going to be a 3-ply yarn. Right now I'm not sure I like this colorway or not.
I'll leave you with the boys. They enjoy weird positions, and seem comfortable with it.
Happy was tired earlier today, after a lot of running, and swimming in this humid, and hot weather.
I don't have to explain Denny.
PS Thanks for letting me know about my PURL question. It's interesting to know that people actually DO that.
No need to apologize for all of the pictures. That yarn is stunning!
The in process colorway is gorgeous, too.
As always, love the dog pictures.
Definitely no apologies needed. This yarn is flat out gorgeous. I can see why you want to knit it so quick.
I'm starting to develop a case of spinning envy. Well not really. I just enjoy seeing your beauties.
ohhh my what are you going to knit with it? I'm guessing a shawl?? Its gorgeous!!
ahh the boys they are so cute. Denny sure is mister personality.
All those pictures are so beautiful it makes me want to touch them. Especially the pups.
The yarn is really awesome. Really adore those colors, and I can't wait to see what you knit up with them.
And I am always amazed at the positions that animals will get themselves into for sleep or rest.
I can see why you love Henry. The color is stunning and I bet this yarn ends up being your best loved socks.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my best spinning turn into beautiful yarn. You should be proud.
The day of rest is long awaited and I at the end of today's spinning I just felt the relief come over me. Oh, thank goodness!
Henry is beautifully coloured, it (he??) will make some lovely socks!!
Denny doesn't need any explanation, he's unique!! Happy is so busy, he must be really tired!! They do sleep in weird positions that I am always sure can't be comfortable!!
Will you use the rest day today to cast on for those socks? They will be truly beautiful when you use such pretty yarn.
And just load on the pictures... I love them!!!
Still loving the Henry!
Henry is stunning!
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