It looks beautiful, I like the look a lot, but it drives me crazy doing it. I started with Emily Ocker's cast on from the bottom up and ended with a picot edge (which I'm not a fan of either). Again , I like the look, but not the making of it. I didn't have to make eyelets since the pattern produces holes. The I-cord was done quickly. I've used ON line Supersocke 100 "Fun-color" on 2.5mm needles.
Supplemental: I made the Emily Ocker cast on, you know with the crochet hook - 8 stst put on 4 DP's. I increased every other row until I had 80 sts on four needles (I always knit with 5 DP needles, unless it is too big for the short DP's, than I use circulars). When you have 80 sts knit one row purl. After that start the pattern of your choice, in this case Lucy Neatby's mermaid pattern. Knit about 3-4 inches high (or whatever length you like) depending on the pattern make some eyelets, knit a few rows, bind off. If you like to do a picot edging, do that. Make an I-cord (3 sts) 10-12inches long. These sketchy directions are meant for sock yarn only. But I think you can do that with any yarn, it just gets bigger or smaller whatever yarn you'll use.
Sybille made some mermaid socks and also a pair with only the cuffs in mermaid pattern. She's got a sock parade for us to see.
I've finished reading Yarn Harlot "The secret life of a knitter" and I must say I felt unterstood. Now I know I'm not weird, I'm stinking normal in a knitters world - I'm one of many!
By the way, since my digi camera is on vacation in Europe, I had to dig up my old one and let me tell you, this camera has a will of its own! Press the button lightly and it tries to focus and tells you, now you can press hard, the picture will be perfectly sharp (Ha!), also if you think you can take the same picture of the same object more than once, think again. As I was uploading the pics from the camera, it tells me, that this picture already exists (no it doesn't) and therefore it's not possible to see it. I'm weak, so I gave up and that's the story of the crappy pictures of today.
Looking forward for my digi to return home, hopefully with lots of stories to tell.
My asymetrical cardigan (Knitting Nature) is looking good, ladies, the dimensions are correct, even without swatching! I realize that I got lucky and will not tempt fate in that way again.
The bag looks great. I love the colors and the pattern!
When I read her book, I kept telling my husband, "See, I'm not crazy!"
Which asymetrical cardigan are you making? I'm getting ready to start one and I'm thinking about ignoring my swatch. Maybe.
That's a really pretty bag. I'm not a good enough knitter to know how you made it. Clues?
Hi, Monika. I came to visit from your comment on my blog. Your little bag looks great. And I agree that Yarn Harlot has brought a whole lot of knitting soul sisters out of the yarn closet. I never knew there were so many crazy ladies like me. I'm bookmarking your blog for return visits.
You asked about the Scales Skin Sock pattern. You would have to join the Six Socks Knitalong, a Yahoo Group. Then you'll get access to a new sock pattern every two months, as well as the archive of sock patterns from the last two years. It's an ongoing group whether you choose to knit every new pattern or not. Nothing to lose!
Well, it is a beautiful little bag! Too bad it wasn't more fun to make.
Thanks for the additional directions! That was just what I needed. And I appreciate your sensitivity to copyright.
I think you mean Lucy Neatby not Nancy Bush but bag is adorable!
Oh, it's cute!
What a cute bag!
I agree with you on the Mermaid pattern. I really love the stitch pattern. But I've tried three times to knit it into socks. Each time I get about 2 or 3 inches in and end up frogging because I can't take it any more. But a bag I think I could do! That's a great idea.
The bag is amazing. I might have to try it.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a fun day.
That's a very cute bag. I love the way it looks in that yarn. It looks like a good project to use up small amounts of yarn too.
I so love this bag - great pattern and fantastic colors!
The bag is wonderful! And the pictures are good. Took a stroll through your blog and I like everything that you've done! How come you got pictures and I can't? It's not fair! (foot stomp)
What a beautiful bag!!! It came out great.
The bag is absolutely gorgeous! Great color choices.
Sali Monika!
Da komme ich einige Tage nicht auf deine Seite und dann gibt es wieder soooo viel schönes zu sehen!
Dieser Beutel ist ja allerliebst! Darf ich mir die Idee klauen *liebfrag*?
Auch die gefilzte (grüne) Tasche .... schmacht ....
Darf ich dich fragen - ist das Artyarn 8/2 oder doch dickeres?
Von dieser Wolle habe ich nämlich noch hier ... und du weisst ja, Taschen filzen ist nicht mein kleinstes Hobby ;))
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
the little somthing is cute! and thank you very much for the knitting book!!!! in the moment i dry to make a scarf for you... i hope that i am finish to christmas... Sofia
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