I made a mistake in the pattern on the back, if you want to look for it, be my guest. I didn't want to tink back a few rows and no way was I letting all the sts off the needles!
The pattern was very well written. I did everything (except the button holes) exactly as in the book. But I found a mistake in the pattern. On page 14, Back: Shape Sleeve: it says to work even for 13"" which would make the back 3 " longer. Stop at 10" because you are going to knit 3" ribbing and that makes up the whole length.
So now to the specifics:
pattern: asymmetrical Cardigan "Knitting Nature" by Norah Gaughan
Size: petit
yarn: Gems Sapphire Chunky Weight, 100% merino wool, 1 skein = 100gr= 103 yds; I needed 8 balls
needles: 5.5mm for ribbing, 6mm for body
error on page 14: Back: Shape Sleeve: work even for 13" (do not) work only 10 ".
It was also the first time I used a chart for the pattern or lets say I could read it.
There's only one thing left to say : I hope it fits Hannah!

These are the socks I made to avoid starting the sewing together. I used Gems Pearl yarn, self dyed it (in June I think). I never get them to be twins. The better looking sock is on top. It did stripe, the second one did a lot of pooling, but I don't care too much. They are for myself and as long as they'll keep me warm....
Helga: I would like to answer but I don't know how to get in touch with you. Maybe you could leave me an e-mail address. You can use my e-mail in my profile to write to me. Thanks.
To conclude this tale - it was a CHALLENGE to make this cardigan. I'm not sure I'll repeat this experience any time soon.
Somebody asked for a link to see how the mattress stitch is made, have a look here http://www.knittinghelp.com/knitting/basic_techniques/misc.php
You did such a great job! Congrats!
The cardigan is absolutely stunning! It's one of my favoutites in the book, I would love to knit it for myself!
....but right now I'm busy with a certain afghan that you tempted me with 'lol'
The sweater looks fabulous! You did a great job!
hannah is one lucky girl!!!
you did a great job!
and in my opinion you should do something very similar right away.
(it's like getting back on the horse, so to speak).
truly you did well! doing more will just increase your confidence!
take care,
That is a gorgeous sweater! I love those socks too; what is that pattern?
Oh, Monika it looks fabulous! Wow. Just wow.
I sure hope Hannah likes it and wears it every single day! That was a lot of work, and it sure came out great! Finished my p90, have pics - need to get them on the old blog, but I'm sure pleased with it (not so pleased with the pics of me - my boobs are not really that big!!)
Have fun!!
Hallo Monika,
die Strickjacke sieht wunderschön aus, einfach perfekt! Ich bin schon ganz gespannt, wie sie angezogen aussieht
liebe Gruesse
Now, this cardi is amazing, absolutely amazing, I'm totally impressed by it! I'd actually try my hands at it right away if I had the pattern! Fantastic job!
Your cardi is gorgeous!! It sounds like it was a trial - but the end result is wonderful! You should be so proudl. BTW - I like the larger buttons!
Stunning cardi! And now you have inspired me. To finsh the cardi I started quite a while ago? The one that is half sewn up? Hmmmm, I'll think about it....
I think you did a great job and it's really pretty
Hi Monika... The sweater is lovely! You deserve all the compliments you get. Your daughter is very lucky!
Amazing! Bravo! Cheers! Well Done! The sweater is perfection. The color perfect for the pattern. I might have to make one some day....sigh.. for now I'm just happy to look at yours
Good JOB! You should be proud of yourself.
I just discovered mattress stitch too and it's wonderful!
it may have been painful, but that sweater is beautiful...almost makes me want one.....almost....
Wow. You should be so proud of yourself!! Congratulations on a beautiful creation :)
And thanks for the errata note.
Hi Monika,
Great job on the asymmetrical cardi! Just wondering, as I am working on mine right now, is there another error in the "Right Front: Shape front neck" section that you noticed? It says to BO 18 sts once, 4 sts TWICE, 2 sts twice, decrease 1 st twice, whereas the Left Front: Shape front neck secion only calls for BO 4 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st twice.... And if you do what it says for the Right Front BO's, you come up 4 sts less then it says you should have! Maybe this is an error, maybe it's not? Thanks, jackie
To Jackie,
it's been a while and I don't remember the exact sts count. I only know that besides the back length in the size petit was wrong. Other than that, I did exactly as in the book and it turned out fine. Sorry, I couldn't be of more help.
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