Also, the weather held until 4PM, at which point it started raining.
I went to the Library to get some books to read (fiction), but also some knitting, and crochet books, to browse. That was Monday.
Today, it rains, and rains, and rains. I feel cold. I didn't think to leave out enough warm clothing, when we put away our stuff into storage. I have only two pairs of knit socks, and one has developed a major hole at the toes. So I grabbed some lovely Wandering Cat Yarn in the colorway "Siamese Dreams", last night, and cast on a sock.
I like it very much, but it was hard to find a stitch pattern for it. I've tried to knit a cowl with it, but hated the look of it. I originally bought this yarn to knit a pooling scarf, but found out about myself, that I'm too impatient for that (right now). Maybe another time. So socks it is. I really need another pair, and fast. These socks are from "The little box of socks" by Charlene Schurch and Beth Parrott, and it's called "Faceted Rib Socks".
I'm going to open my little online shop coming Saturday. You will be able to see what's for sale before that though. I hope you'll enjoy it! I'll be selling some of my handspun yarn, and with time, I'll put some original design knits up there as well. We'll see how it goes.
I always wanted to show you these photos of the boys. I took them some time ago, when our old kitchen looked still like that. Denny was still little. I just liked the colors in these pictures.
I think those colors will look great in a sock though.
Speaking of the colors of that photo of the boys, I'm anxious to see the new colors you've picked. I need to add more color in my home and I always find your colors bright and cheerful. It's good inspiration for me.
Big congratz!!!!! i want to buy the white puppy..... what? not for sale???? ohhhhh hahahahaha
You know ive been always a big fan of your handspun, im sure you are going to be a success.
Oh kalt ist gar nicht gut... nein.Ich hoffe, Du versendest auch nach Deutschland :).
LG vom Bettchen aus
I tend to look at the fotos before I read the words, and from the other side of the world, I already know you so well, that I wondered why you showed pictures from the old house ;-) Now I know why. Beatiful.
I am looking forward to the opening of your store. I have admired your yarns for a long time now, but now I may be able to buy some!?!
Liebe Monika, Dein Laden wird bestimmt ein Hit! Ich freue mich schon darauf, mal vorbeizuschauen. Und ich schließe mich Naty an: Hoffentlich versendest Du auch nach Deutschland. Hier in Dresden ist es übrigens auch plötzlich herbstlich kalt. Da helfen nur Tee, Kerzen, Hörbuch und Strickzeug. Grüße von Heike!
Just look at all I missed while away. What a wonderful time it looks like you have been having. Reading on and hope to be caught back up soon.
I will definitely be hitting your shop up!
Love those blues and browns in the sock. It's so sad that you only have one wearable pair of socks right now! Congrats on the shop. Can't wait to see what you offer up!
Congrats on the shop!
Nothing like cold feet to make you feel like knitting socks again, is there? Our weather seems to be the opposite of yours this year. The last few days have been summer-like for a change.
I like the way the colors are coming together in the sock with that pattern.
I'll be there for the handspun. Whoohoo
Good luck with your shop :)
Wow, there's a lot here. I can't wait for your shop!
I just love your 'Under construction' photo, I reckon it should be your 'Destruction' photo!! Lovely pictures of the boys, Happy is very grand and he looks happy. Denny is a rascal.
Glad the day went well and the rain held off.
Good luck with your shop, it will be fabulous!!
God luck for Your shop!
And I love Your boys moe and more and more...
Yay! Can`t wait for your shop!!!
Love the colours in that sock yarn, you sure love wandering cat huh.
Congratulations and good luck with the shop ! Can't wait to see what's on offer .
You're doing it. Opening a shop! YAY! Congratulations and good luck with it! I look forward to seeing what'll be on offer!
Good luck with the shop opening, how exciting for you!
It looks good as socks.
Better to be prepared and happy!
Happy is such a handsome boy.
A shop! If the business takes off next year, I can treat myself to some of your gorgeous handspun.
Congratulations on your shop!!! I know you will find it rewarding and it is certainly the good fortune of those who get the treat of knitting with your yarns/patterns. My Kyla mitts are always admired whenever I wear them :) Reminds me I need to CO for another pair!
Love the picture of Denny's bum as he digs his way through your yard - LOL
Wishing we had some rain. It's been super hot here and with work and everything going on it's been pretty darn uncomfortable.
Off to NoCal tomorrow for a wedding, though, so hoping to have some cooler temps.
Woo hoo! Yarn shop of your very own! Congratulations on yet another new 'baby'(your shop).
I don't like the whole onset of Fall and the chill that is in the air either - even if it means I get to wear my hand knits.
I love that sock yarn. I'll be calling in on saturday to see what's in the shop.
Beautiful sock yarn! And of course, I love the doggy eye candy. :-)
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