Wensleydale has a wonderful sheen to it, and it's crimpy, and hairy, but it makes the most wonderful singles spun yarns! I have not made many single spun yarns so far, but this was crying out to be such a yarn.
I plucked the fiber into pieces, arranged them into gradiating color sequence, and started to spin. What FUN that was!
Heirloom is 4oz, 526yds of singles Wensleydale yarn. I'm going to put it in my shop if somebody would be interested. I thought it would make a lovely shawlette.
The shop is now open for viewing what's on offer so far, but I'll launch it on Saturday to open it up for buyers. The prizes are in Canadian $$$. I still have to figure out how the real shipping costs will work out. I'll refund if actual shipping costs are lower (if it's more than 1 $).
Meanwhile, it's never good for me to bring home books to read, because once I start reading, I can't stop, and nothing else gets done!
I spilled some tea on my sock in progress, but I reacted fast, and tea didn't get a chance to soak in! I think I'm cursed with my tea drinking. Either Denny finds my half empty mug, and sticks his greedy tongue in it, or I spill it myself. Anyway, I better get back to my sock. It's coming along nicely, but slip stitch patterns are a bit slow.
The renos? I wish they were done. Right now they are getting ready (with a stabler) to prepare the dining room floor to put the wooden floor in (nail gun later). It's right above my head, when I sit at my computer. They worked hard all week, but there is still so much to do. Sigh. A good thing about the renos taking longer then expected is, that I'm getting really good working the BBQ! Plus, there's hundreds of ways to make couscous salads. Who needs a real kitchen, when you have an electric water kettle?!
How amazingly beautiful!
I wonder how the timedifferences is between Denmark and Canada. Maybe I have to get up in the middle of the night to be able to compete with all the others wanting to buy some of your marvelous yarns.......
Do you ship overseas?
Yes, couscous is a life saver!! Gilly likes my cup of tea too, Denny and Gilly would like their own teapot I think.
Your shop is lovely!! Best shop wishes.
Hope the tradespeople work fast and work well!!
YES! I have read your shipping conditions. Now I am calm....and waiting for the shop to open....;-)
I love the colors of your new fiber, and my heart sunk when you said Wensleydale. It turned out beautifully, but Wensleydale and Falkland are on my 'to-don't list'.
Going to check out your shop now.
wow how beautiful is that yarn!!!! Too bad there isn't 850yards I'd snap that up to make a McCafferty.
I'm gonna be keeping my eye on your shop, I've only knit with handspun once before.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the way you spun that fiber is amazing. I'm totally going to copy you with my 8oz! I bet I could get a drapy cardigan out of it if it's not too scratchy.
Gorgeous yarn! I think singles are really nice sometimes...
Oh that is really lovely. You make me want to learn to spin.
That is pretty neat yarn!
I love this. If I weren't on a yarn diet I would have snatched it up already. I hope your shop is very successful because your yarns are gorgeous.
Incredibly lovely! I may have to splurge for my birthday.
Oh, I am so happy!
This gorgeous yarn is now mine.
I am looking so much forward to receive it.
I wonder, what you think is bad about Wensleydale?
Good thing I can't knit right now, I would be buying that beautiful yarn right up!
This yarn turned out gorgeous!!
Congratulations on opening your shop.
Your dogs are both so handsome.
Hope you are alright, sorry it took so long to hear from me again.
Love, Hannah
Can't believe how beautifully it spun up. I wouldn't have looked twice at that roving, but I'm seriously drooling over the yarn.
Congratulations on opening your shop! Such beautiful handspun yarns, Monika.
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog.
Have you seen the translator in the upper right corner of the blog?
It is as translators usually are, not så good, but it is better than nothing ;-)
I'm really really liking this yarn! A lot! :P
I'm really really liking this yarn! A lot! :P
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