At first he put his paws, and his chew toys on the seat. It took him several days, and many tries, to find a comfortable position on a chair. I think he felt pretty proud of himself, when he did it.
Of course he could not enjoy it as much as he wanted to, due to the little annoying fur ball, biting his paws, and yapping away at him.
The boys are adorable, that last picture is priceless!
Happy does look quite proud of himself in that first photo. And I love the last one of your two boys smiling.
LOL, he does look slightly too big for the chair, but so happy on there! Surely there is room for another though?
They're too cute!
Happy is King of the Castle at last!! I hope his brother leaves him in peace for a little bit. Denny looks a bit put out. Happy looks pleased as punch with himself and he is very clever!! They are having fun playing together!!!
Your pups are so cute, every time I see them looking like good boys in a photo, I think I want a dog!
(Good thing I snap out of it quick!)
What a picture story. That last one gave me quite a chuckle. As if they were saying, "What, mom? We were just fooling around!"
It is really funny, we have the same problem in tiny, sort of. Lucy our 5 year old chihuahua (13 pounds) and Pebbles the 5 months old (4.5 pounds) trying to figure it out. Pebbles grabbing her collar..., yapping and nipping... LOL... you have my sincere condolences ;-)
best from Tennessee
At least Happy has the upper hand this time!
Yay for lots of doggie pictures!
And yay for being able to comment!
Pictures of those two crack me up! They act just like human siblings - LOL
Oh my gosh...too cute! They grow so fast, don't they?
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