We've heard about Denny, who's trying to rescue his humans, by pulling on the straps of my swim suit, in my case, but what does he do, when there's somebody in the pool, to be "rescued" with no straps, and short hair?
Denny is smart, he found two ways to solve this problem for him, there's for instance the ear lope to grab, or the nose would do nicely too. A little painful for the one to be rescued for sure. :o)
Denny is really distressed when we are in the pool, the other two are puzzled at best.
Here are all three pulling on the same rubber bone, having their daily watery fun.
I wanted to show you a prize I've won. I've got this braid from Ginny at FatCatKnits. I was on her Tour de Fleece team, and she gave out prizes randomly. My number wasn't a lucky one, but she gave me this prize for endurance, since I'd spun the most during that time. I picked the fiber - BFL - and the color myself. I need a solid color for color work. It's very pretty.
These two photos show the same fiber, imagine the color somewhat in the middle of both.
And I wanted to mention, that Rhonda is having a give away. You only have to leave a comment to get a chance of winning her latest beautiful sock pattern plus yarn to knit it in. I think there's also going to be a pattern by her daughter Valerie, fingerless mittens, she designed for a good cause. You've got until noon Friday, August 12th. Good Luck!
I am so glad you can cool off in the pool, even after dark!! You need a nurse on hand to help look after all those rescued by Denny. He is funny, I wonder why he is so worried. It must be nice to have the two White sensible non-rescuers. It's two against one I see in the toy game!!
What a lovely prize to win and you showed great endurance on your spinning!!
Oh my your son's rescuing sounds painful!!
Good to see the two teaming up on the water rat ;)
Beautiful fiber, can't wait to see what you pair with it.
It's funny how the dogs think that the pool is just for them, eh?
Maybe you can hire Denny out to be a lifeguard!
The pups are so cute!
Oy moy! That Denny! He's quite a herder, isn't he. He likes all his ducks in a row - even if they're humans.
Lucky you with a pool. The only 'pool' I'm in is the pool of hot flashes!
You definitely deserve that endurance prize for Tour de Fleece! I still have trouble believing how much spinning you got done.
Our summer went from hot to coolish in a couple of days. It's easy to believe that fall is on its way when the night time temps fall into the single digits.
Gorgeous fiber! And I'm jealous of your being able to swim at night. I would love to do that, simply because of the whole frying in the sun issue.
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