(image grabbed from Ginny's website)
I'd like to do a little bit of enabling for the spinners out there! FatCatKnits is open for fiber club registry until September 5th. What I like about this fiber club is, that it's a 4 month subscription, AND you can choose the fiber you would like to get. The colorways are still surprises though. Ginny is one of my favorite fiber dyers, and her fiber is always easy to spin. She's got great customer service as well. Just saying....
Well, since we've talked about a FatCat, lets talk about the pups.
I realized that most stories I have to tell involve Denny. By no means is he the only entertainer in the house though.
I know you've seen this picture of Maggie before, but she's so cute, and I don't have another one of her that I like as much. Thanks for the well wishes. The Vet visit went well. She's got a creme to put on her wound, and she's NOT licking it off, which is very good. It's not her paw pads, that's wounded, but the pad on her front leg, that's above the paw on the backside. She weighs 27.9kg (that's 61.5lbs). In comparison, Biko's weight was ~ 80lbs. Maggie is a petite WGS. I don't think she'll grow much more, but that's fine with us.
Anyway, one day in this lovely month of August, Maggie sat in the basement, looking at the wall, barking. "Silly girl," I said, didn't think more of it.
About ten days later, still the same month, Mr. Grumpy was walking around, in a foul mood. I was knitting, and watching TV, Maggie was with her human (DS), and Happy was snoring on the sofa, when suddenly Denny jumped on the sofa with a low growl, grabbed the corner of the calendar on the wall, and started pulling at it.
(see the bite mark on the left corner there?)
Odd, I thought, then I saw the photo on the calendar and suddenly it all made sense. Maggie must have recognized a WGS, when she barked at it, and Denny in his foul mood, didn't like the grin on that girls face (it says so on the calendar, that she loves to swim).
Happy hasn't given it a thought so far.
Mr. D finally settled down under my desk, but I can't believe that's the most comfortable spot he could find!
If it's for knitting you've come, I've been test knitting for Kirsten Kapur, no pictures allowed at the moment. But I've finished and will cast on for something else now, just have to decide what first.
GSDs will often recognise other GSDs but will not deign to notice other dogs, whether it's the dogs themselves or an image. Denny's self image is probably of a WGSD!
I think Denny was trying to relieve Maggie's distress which was quite chivalrous of him, don't you think?
Either that or he wanted her to be quiet. LOL
Maggie is a little one! Simcha is about 85 lbs now and I expect he'll add about 5 more. Alex (our first) was 110 lbs. in his prime. Love hearing about life in your home and the antics of all the pups ;) Curious to see what your latest test knit looks like!!!
I believe that dogs recognise their own breed, The Labradors certainly do!! The dog on the calendar looks so happy in the water, no wonder Denny was jealous!! Maggie is so funny to woof at the picture. Gilly and Maggie weigh pretty much the same, they are twins too, because Gilly is quite a small Lab. I am so glad Maggie is being such a good girl and feeling better!!
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