I understand that this design is either liked or disliked, that's O.K. I loved knitting it so much, that I made two of them, both with handspun yarn of mine. So there will be lots of pictures today!
# 1 shawl made with handspun yarn from FatCatKnits fiber, the blue and red yarns, plus some undyed, natural Shetland fiber I had in my stash.
This photo shows the colors pretty well.
Stephen has two options for the border, but when we knit the test shawls, he only had one.
This shawl is big, and soft, and warm, I love it!
shawl # two was also made with my handspun yarn. The fiber for the greenish/yellow yarns came from SAG (Spinning Awesome Good), and the blue/purple one I dyed, and spun myself.
This shawl too, is very soft (has some silk in it), and I love this one also. I made both shawls size L. I was so happy to have enough yarn for this size with both shawls.
Little Miss Maggie was wondering what I was up to, usually I take pictures of her, not that weird thing standing there. BTW - she's got a doctors appointment today. She's got an infected pad on her front leg, which wont heal, since she's always ripping it open again, every time she's outside playing. Keep your fingers crossed for her, that everything goes smoothly. Thanks!
Wow, your shawl are gorgeous, the second one especially, not just because it has green, but I love the curved shape.
Poor Miss Maggie, I don't know why you don;t take more pictures of her either!! Finders and paws crossed here that all goes well. She is so sweet!!
I love both of your shawls, don't know which one I like the best. Last picture against your green wall is gorgeous!
What a pretty shawl. And I too like the second one. It was more me ;)
Hugs to Denny-boy!
Ein wunderschönes Design in tollen Farben. Das wäre vielleicht auch mal ein Tuch für mich :-)
Monika- I am in love with the first one. That shade of deep orange with the natural shetland is completel gorgeous.
Well done,
Both are lovely! I hope Miss Maggie feels better soon - I hate it when my babies don't feel well :( (I have an accident prone doxie myself)
very pretty! i like the design. it looks great in your handspun.
Love both shawls! Good luck to Miss Maggie!
I appreciate the design but it's not my aestetic personally. I think your handspun version in the most lovely of all the versions.
Love your blue green combo!
Hope you get your paw healed up Maggie!
I love both shawls and I'm very impressed they're from hand-spun! You do such great job using your hand-spun yarns, mine just sit in a bin too precious to use.
I love them both.
Very special.
Man oh man. Those are incredible! I love the modern geometric back and color stripes ~ but that first one is sooooo incredible. Your handspun is amazing and these pieces could be in a museum :)
Both are stunning. I like each in it's own. Can't pick one over the other. You work is always a treat to look at.
Both are so so gorgeous. I hope Maggie's paw is okay!!
I love the handspun, especially the first one.
Gorgeous shawls. I'm still working on clue 3. This is my first Westknits design and I'm enjoying it.
Love both of them, but especially the green and blue one!
Good luck and healing to Maggie! It's hard to take care of oneself when so much fun is to be had!
Both are lovely - and so is Maggie. I hope she heals quickly!
Nimitz had a paw pad infection a few years ago and it took a long time to heal up. It's a hard spot to heal. We did end up making him wear a sock on his leg to cover the pad but it didn't really want to stay on.
I love your shawls especially because they were made with your own handspun.
Poor little Maggie! I hope her foot heals quickly.
I'm loving the handspun version of that shawl. So interesting to look at!
My friend likes to use vetwrap on her dog's paw when she injures it (which is regularly, because she tends to gallop through cacti). She says they use it on horses and is a great way to keep a bandage on and heal it. The vet may have some for you to buy!
GORGEOUS! Dog and both shawls :)
Die sehen toll aus!
Wow! I love the handspun version best, but the blue/green really helped me to see the design of the shawl. So thanks for doing both :)
Such beautiful shawls. I love the color combination of the second one.
These are gorgeous! I would kill for the first one.
very very beautiful. I love the way it wraps across the front
Ooh, GORGEOUS! Love them. :)
die grün-blaue Version gefällt mir wesentlich besser, weil man da die Intarsien besser sieht. Wenn schon Intarsien, dann sollte man sie auch sehen ;)
Das Muster als solches würde ich mir jetzt nicht kaufen, die anderen Designs von West gefallen mir besser und stehen auf meiner Tapetenrolle.
Grüßle, die Bea
Two absolutely stunning shawls!!! They are both beautiful and special and I still can't believe how gorgeous your handspun is in shawls!
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