Well, I haven't spun in a couple of weeks, but have still some finished yarn to show you. This is made of fiber I've dyed last year. I figured it's time to start spinning fiber from last year, before I get to this years dyed fiber. And now I don't have quiet time for spinning at all. :o(
Here it is: The fiber is Columbia.
Don't know why I used the colors in the first place. I spun it around Easter time this year.
3skeins, 2 are 3-ply yarn, and the third one was navajo plied from the left over singles.
Altogether there are 506yds, 16WPI, from 8oz of Columbia fiber.
This is how I like my pups the best right now: sleeping!
I missed taking a picture which was the cutest ever. Happy had his head over Denny's body. The little one's sleeping very deeply, otherwise that would not be possible. But to make up for it, Denny did the same thing later:
Just one look at what I was doing, before he was to tired to keep his eyes open.
Yesterday I was close to tears. It was nice, and sunny outside. I was home alone with these two. I thought, lets go out into the back yard. Denny has to be on leash, because the first time we went out he went straight for the pool, and was already mid air, when David caught him.
So I was throwing the Frisbee for Happy, and watching Denny who was always underfoot.
Then he pooped at one end of the yard, we moved over to the other side, where he pooped again. Meanwhile Happy had pooped too, on another spot, you could have triangled them. Now I had to keep them from stepping into either poop, before I could clean it up. (they are really gifted that way)
Meanwhile Happy had discovered that there's still a lot of mud in the ditch along the fence. He looked even worse than last time! No kidding. Of course since he's not out that often these days, he does not want to go inside, or come to be cleaned up. He drove me crazy!
Meanwhile Denny was rolling around like a crocodile, to get rid of the harness, which he hates.
Then my son called, and I told him to get home, I'm out back and need help.
He took Denny inside, who wailed like a siren, we could hear him outside even through closed doors, and windows. Happy didn't want to listen at all, and we chased him all over the ground, cornered him, and finally got him to the wading pool to get off the worst of the dirt.
Then I had to rub him down, and get him upstairs into the bathtub for a real bubble bath. I was wet all over, the Gremlin was screeching downstairs, and I'd had quite enough.
So once again, no free running around the back yard for Happy, and since it looks like it's a full time job anyway to take care of those too, I have to do more firm training with Happy, because his recall sucks.
So you see, the best pups are sleeping pups.
PS: Of course there were sweet moments too. The one were Denny stepped into the wading pool and made bubbles with his nose, to get the dynamite stick out. So cute!
The trials that young ones bring. :) The yarn looks beautiful!
Oh those backyard shenanigans sound muddy and dirty and tiring. They are so lovely when they are asleep!!! Gilly blows bubbles in the paddle pool too!! Isn't it funny??!!
Well you spinning and plying(??) are gorgeous as usual!!
I don't like coriander either, I always have red curry instead of green.
Das Garn ist einfach traumhaft schön geworden. Weißt Du schon, was Du daraus machen wirst?
Und Deine Hund sind einfach zu süß. Der Kleine hat mein Herz im Sturm erobert, den muss man einfach mögen.
Liebe Grüße
OMG, the pics are so cute and I LOVE YOUR FIBER! Such a great talent!
I know the frustration of the naughty puppies ;( Patience and lots of training and maybe a few tears. it will get better, it has to, right?
but look at that face!! So adorable!
I hear ya about having no time to spin, knitting is non existant at the moment with my 3 kids!!
Ohhhh....another good morning chuckle thanks to you (and the puppers of course!). Thanks!
I can only now begin to appreciate the smallness of my Sofee. She was 12 wks when we brought her home, and a little less than 1 LB. Not much trouble at all really!
The yarn is gorgeous!
Monika! I had to laugh at your being trapped in the backyard and needing help! But only because I'm doing the 'new puppy with bigger dog' as well. I don't know how you find the time to blog! I haven't blogged in a month. It is a good time, having a new furbaby, but a lot of work. I, too, am finding the older dog needs some firm reminding of her training. That is a beautiful picture of Denny's face!
So sweet sleeping together...like little angels !! Love the pictures.
Isabel S./Lisbon-Portugal
nice yarn and pretty colors! i hate cilantro. and now the nytimes has made me feel better about it.
Too funny! My two love to be muddy and dirty, too. And they both lose their minds when they are outside and off the leash -- they conveniently forget what "come" means!
If the dogs weren't so cute (and so funny) I'd be mad at them for you! Oy! Your hands are full and I don't envy you that.
Meanwhile, your Easter fiber is lovely and you sure got a lot of yarn out of it. You must tell me your secret for getting so much.
That picture of Denny is so sweet :)
Hahaha puppies are evil.. especially when "go into the house and get a bath" is NEVER better than "stay outside and play in the mud". They definitely force us to practice forgiveness.. I remember many a day out in the backyard near tears with my brat. That yarn is beautiful, very Springy :)
LOL. Reading your post today makes me almost glad we hadn't gotten a puppy before our old dog died. But we're picking up the puppy tomorrow, and I'm pretty stressed! Last time we had a puppy, we didn't have kids, and we had a small house with an easily enclosed kitchen and small, easily seen, yard. But I'm sure as soon as we start getting wet kisses it'll all be fine!
The roving is gorgeous! Love the yarn, too. The pups story is too funny. It's hard to imagine that Happy was dirtier than before. I can just hear Denny squalling from here! The quiet time photos of the two of them are just adorable!
OMG nose bubbles haha..those two provide so much fun.
Amazing how different the yarn looks between 3 ply and navajo. Very pretty!
The fiber is very nice. Is that a soft wool? It doesn't sound familiar to me. I've only raised kittens, not puppies, but I hear that that crying owners is all part of the process. I know I had a break down at least once with the kittens. Those two definitely sound like handfuls!
I LOVE hearing these stories!!!! Denny makes that much noise? interesting. I tend to agree ~ a sleeping pup is a beautiful thing ;)
Your yarn is also beautiful and looks inspired by Spring flowers!
Those pictures are simply adorable. Happy and Denny look like best buddies already!
I just found out about your new family member because I was distracted by ours (and work). Congratulations! He definitely is too cute. I love heeler pups the most of all pups (since I saw ours, but she is 4 months already).
You`ll have a LOT of fun with this pup, that is for sure. Dingo was 7 months when we got him and SO needing exercise, not only pyhisically but for his mind in the first place. Nose work is good for that. Such a tough guy! But very sensible on the other hand. People always told me he`d get more quiet at around two but I finally felt a difference when he was about five years old :-) So just you know what you`ll expect in the near future... When I saw the picture of his brothers I was sure they must be ACD crossbreeds, he looks more like the sheaperds, doesn`t he? He will be a very beautiful dog!
I love your yarn, the shawl is beautiful, the socks looks great and Denny is cute as a button!!!
I have some kids who would love a dog like him ;)
Have a great weekend!
I really like the pink-ness of the yarn! We raised a couple of Columbia sheep - very interesting to see their wool spun up!
Denny is a pudding! Fortunately for you he will grow up and slow down... a bit... maybe... LOL!! And maybe not be so smelly? The antics of your pups sounds a LOT like my two youngest this time of year! LOL! Fortunately mine love baths! Hang in there!
Deswegen heisst es ja: Nur ein müder Hund ist ein guter Hund :).
Ich denke, Du wirst noch viel Spass mit den beiden haben.
Ganz liebe Grüsse - Dein Garn ist wieder eine Augenweide.
LG Susi und Lilly
I was about to post the link to the NYT article on cilantro, when I saw that somebody else beat me to it. It's a cool article. You should check it out if you haven't already.
Dogs are a trial sometimes, but pretty rewarding, no?
That's a sweet photo of Denny.
And I love the spinning. Even though the colors look pretty wild pre-spinning, I think they look lovely afterwards.
Puppies are so much fun, and so much work, and so much frustration! It is a good thing they are cute!
Gorgeous yarn!
How did I miss the new pup?
Far too much going on here down under.
What a beauty.
What a pair - a big puppy and a little puppy.
I'm VERY jealous.
Oh and the wool is pretty nice too.
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