Who? Me?
I'm not worthy to lick his feet, but I'll do it anyway!
Now I've earned my snuggle spot.
Funny how they sometimes sleep in the same position.
It's all nice and cozy until Happy wakes up with his nose between Denny's teeth, who of course would not let go. I had to put the camera down and help Happy, because he was busy screaming. What a rude wake up call!
Aw, I love the snuggle pics where Denny is cuddled up to Happy's tummy. He looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth ;)
Such lovely puppies! Hope Denny settles down a little for you and Happy!
Oh I love it when they do synchronised 'anything'!! It is so cute!!! Denny looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!! Happy looks so big, and he is such a good boy!! Glad you are there to save him though.
Hi Monika!
How lovely!
boss and moo do the sleeping the same way thing too. Its so weird if one changes position the other does too.
So cute Denny liking H's feet.
Ahhhhh - how sweet! Well, till Happy got that rude wake up that is! Love the pup photos! Priceless!
Such adorable pictures, all snuggled up. I just love to see them that way.
Poor Happy!!!! hahahaha
That denny is getting more beautiful every day.
I love the picture of Denny curled up against Happy's belly!
My cats don't always enjoy each others company, but when it's bed time, we are all snuggled up together
How sweet! My Hitchcock would snuggle up right next to Kubrick when he was a puppy too but he doesn't do it anymore. I think they grow out of it. They do still sleep in the same position sometimes though!
They are too cute!
Jewel and Maggie do that, too. They'll lay in the same positions like that.
You'd think that they were best buds from these photos. Hopefully Happy doesn't start thinking that it's not safe to sleep in front of Denny.
Awwwww. How sweet to see them cuddled up like this. Just precious ~ until the nose incident ~ LOL
Oh my gosh! The cuteness is overwhelming!!! I love the pictures of them snuggled together. So cute!!
Yikes! A bite to the nose is not funny! I wonder why Happy doesn't just bite Denny's nose. Sheesh! Puppy teeth hurt!
Hopefully Denny will grow out of his mean streak.
omg what fun those two are! I know it's a lot of work, but sure keeps you busy. Thanks for the pictures!
Ach Mensch, die beiden sind ja sowas von süss. Nicht, dass ich nicht auch Deine Strickerei und Spinnerei bewundere - aber Hundebilder schauen und Geschichten lesen macht halt momentan viel mehr Spass :)
So sweet! Gracee girl is so independent that I don't think she'd every snuggle up to another pup.
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