DH has surprised me with this wonderful center piece! If you only could smell it! This is the smell of Christmas and I love it!
That's what Sam's doing these days. He started out like above and ended up like in the next picture. He's being a very good dog. His recovery is still very slow. The first excitement of the last visit to the vet was dampened, as we discovered first, that he still needs both pain medications, and second he's got a broken tooth, which needs to be monitored. Otherwise he's quite happy.

Now for the knitting content: This is my beloved Noro blanket. I haven't knit on it for days, because I've been knitting exclusively on the slip stitch scarf, which is turning the corner for the final sprint. Thank god, is all I can say to that!
I've only done four and a half rows so far. I'm using two different colorways for it. Noro Kureyon is 100% wool, but it still is very soft, ideal for a blanket, this is going to be all mine, mine, mine! ;o) I made the center decrease to form a little ridge. I like the extra texture it forms. Even though I've got many more rows to go, in the back of my head I'm already thinking of the border. Which one will it be? I'm sure I'm not going to have enough yarn for the border, will have to buy more Kureyon, oh well. This is such a fun project. I've learned the method to add the squares so you don't have to sew them later from Vivian Hoxbro and her book "Domino Knitting", a fine little book! And there are only 4 ends to weave in for each row!
So, that's it for now. I'll be back after the holidays. Wish you peaceful and stress free days ahead!
The close-up shot of the Noro Blanket is heavenly! I can't stop looking at it....
The blanket is beatiful! That will be a treasure when you get it complete.
The centerpiece is very lovely too.
Sam looks so peaceful sleeping there.
Very pretty blanket and a sweet looking pup.
Merry Christmas,
Your blanket is gorgeous! I love how you mixed the two colorways. Very nice!
Have a really great holiday and I sure hope Sam will have a much better new year :) Poor guy :(
happy knitting :)
Huhu Monika,
das Gesteck ist wunderbar weihnachtlich und ich kan mir genau vorstellen wie das riecht. Die Bilder von Sam sind so friedlich und gemütlich. Richtig schön. Und die Noro-Decke ist einfach nur traumhaft.
LG Heike
I can almost smell that center piece from here. Gorgeous blanket! you deserve it. Sam looks simply peaceful sleeping there (drugs don't hurt). Merry Christmas, hope you and your family have a great holiday together.
beautiful, gorgeous blanket!
now i have to start thinking about that. it must be bliss to work on.
the centre piece is also very lovely!!! you lucky thing!
best wishes to you all!
Beautiful blanket! Keep taking it easy Sam and get better!
Sam looks so comfy, I'm glad he's healing well. Love the blanket, so pretty but I can't imagine being covered in Kureyon - too scratchy!
Happy Healthy Holidays to you Monika!
Sam looks great! Bless his heart ~ a broken tooth! 2007 has to be a better year for him!
Your Noro blanket is gorgeous! I love it and cannot wait to see the end result.
Hugs from Sasha, Samson and Gabi to Sam and Biko.
Oh, cute Sam! I'd love to come over and cuddle with him and have such a relaxed nap as he seems to have! ;)
What an amazing blanket this is, you're outdoing yourself with it! It's fantastic!
Have a Merry Christmas, my friend, and all the very best to you and your family - and to Sam!
Sali Monika!
Wunderschöne Decke - das Gesteck riecht weihnachtlich bis hierher *grins* und das Bild des entspannt schlafenden Hundes - einfach genial!
Dir und Deinen Lieben recht schöne Feiertage!
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
Ein wunderschönes Weihnachtgesteck. Man kann fast riechen wie es duftet.
Ich hoffe, das es mit Sam jetzt weiter Bergauf geht. Er sieht richtig relaxt aus. Deine Decke sieht super aus. Mir gefallen die Farben ausgesprochen gut.
What a lovely centerpiece! That Noro blanket is totally amazing too. Poor Sam, get better soon :)
Happy Holidays!
That Noro blanket is gorgeous!
Aww. Sam looks so adorable. Poor baby, now he's got a broken tooth? I hope next year is easier on him (and you!)
The Noro blanket is gorgeous!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
That blanket is gorgeous! I want one:) What a lovely centerpiece, I bet it does smell wonderfully Christmassy/
I found your blog from the Yahoo BabySurpriseSweater group! Wow. I've just scanned through some recent posts and I can't wait to read more! I'm in Orangeville, Ontario, it's great to read other Ontario blogs.
Hi Monika
I haven't been online much in the last couple of days, and I just had to check in with you to say Merry Christmas - I love the Noro blanket!! How lovely to be working on one for yourself this time! Glad to see Sam is doing so well. Take care, and merry merry Christmas!
gorgeous !!!!!!!!!
I love this pattern and these colours - susi
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