Boy, that was quite emotional at the vets today! Yes, we could pick him up this evening already. I wish we humans could express our feelings like Sam did today! He was crying and trembling and howling, and licking everybody's faces, hands and everything at the same time. For a while there was a ball of humans and one dog, all entwined, dancing in the round, up and down and left and right..... you get the idea. He was never away from us for that long. He cried the whole trip home, as if he'd tell his tale of forced confinement at the vets.

After all the excitement a little scratch and finally ....

he calmed down and after he had his food and a drink he's sleeping now. Totally exhausted I'm sure.
Welcome home my boy!
Oh, did you see the Christmas bow on his collar? I think somebody at the vet's decorated everything, which was longer there than a day. ;o)
Yay! I'm glad he's home safe and sound. I bet he wasn't the only one who felt like howling and crying.
I'm happy he's home! Is that a doggie butt-sling???
Ich freu mich so für Dich, dass Sam wieder zu Hause ist. Das er fast ausgeflippt ist, als er Dich gesehen hat, kann ich mir gut vorstellen. Kopf hoch, von nun an kann's nur besser werden.
Don't you wonder if he thought you were never coming back?? and then the RELIEF and THRILL of seeing you again and knowing that life would go on as he knew it.....Yahoo!
Allll right!! Sam's home!!! Whooo Hooo!! Yippeeeeee!!!! Sasha, Samson, Gabi and I are so relieved to hear the long wait is over!! What did Biko do when she saw Sam? What a reunion!!
Doggie hugs from Oklahoma!
SO glad to hear that Sam is home. Hope he does well in his recovery.
Welcome back Sam! Best wishes for a smooth recovery, and I hope he doesn't have to go to the vet for a long, long time :)
So happy he made it home!
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