The Wool Peddler Shawl from Cheryl Oberle's book "Folk Shawls" will bring me from the year 2006 into the next year. Right now though, and for I don't know how long, there will be not much knitting going on in this house. I, once again, realized how important family and good health is. I wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful year 2007!

Sam says, "Hi! And take it easy!"
He had his first walk today, still limping and taking pain killers, but he's doing much, much better. Thanks for all your well wishes concerning his health.
Take care, until next year!
hey monika!!!
i hadn't been checking blogs in a while and so i had missed out on your few last posts. what a wonderful scarf that 'vertigo' is! good for you! such nice colours. i wish you a very ahppy new year as well.
I remember seeing that yarn some time ago in a red basket - it will be a beautiful shawl Monika!
Take Care - and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Cheers and all the best to you and yours Monika. (And my dog used to hit those incredible positions occasionally too. So odd)
Sure hope 2007 will bring to your whole family a much happier and healthier new year!
happy knitting in 2007 :)
I'm finally getting caught up on blog reading and am so glad Sam is healing. He's looks quite comfy in this picture!
Happy New Year!
Hey, das ist eine schöne Farbe für den Wollpeddler. Schön, das es Sam schon viel besser geht.
Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben allen einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr, alles erdenklich Gute, viel Gesundheit und das sich alles was Dir Sorgen macht zum positiven wendet.
Happy New Year
You're absolutely right - there *are* more important things than knitting!
I wish you and your family - and of course Sam! - a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year - it was so nice "meeting" you in 2006 and reading your fantastic blog entries - I'm looking forward to many, many more!
Have a great one, my friend - und liebe Grüße aus der alten Heimat!
How cute of Sam!!!! He looks like he is making progress, the sweet dear. Wolfie lies in that position all the time. It means he wants his belly rubbed, which we all obliging do with great regularity. I love your Wool Peddler. What yarn are you using? That's in muy queue. Happy New Year to you and your family, Monika. What a pleasure it has been to get to know you.
Sue J.
Glad Sam is doing better, he looks pretty comfy and laid back in the pic. Happy New Year
Sam looks so comfy twisted like a pretzle. Love that shawl. I have the book & everytime I see that shawl on the web ,I fall in love with it all over again. All the best for 2007!
112 inches? Good grief. Vertigo is very cool though! Mosaic knitting is fascinating. Easy and yet not. There is no way I'm knitting something that brought you to the edge of sanity though.
Pretty color for Wool Peddlar scarf!
Happy New Year to you and yours. Nice to see Sam relaxed, but the pain pills probably help. Pets to Biko too!
Liebe Monika,
auch von mir die allerbesten Wünsche fürs neue Jahr, vorallem GESUNDHEIT für alle Zwei- und Vierbeiner in Deiner Familie :-)
Liebe Grüßle,
Love Sam's pose! He has the right idea ~ rest!! May 2007 bring much happiness and great health to all of you! Hugs from Sasha, Samson and Gabi to Sam and Biko!
I love that shawl - I made it several years ago for my (then) daughter-in-law in deep red, and she wore it frequently. I'm so happy Sam is on the mend. He's been through so much, I'm sending good vibrations to your house for good health and happiness in 2007.
Sam looks great! Is that doggy yoga he's practicing? Your shawl looks beautiful; love the colors!
I'm delurking to wish you a good year and to say that I love the partial belly shot of Sam.!
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