As you may remember, last year, I've knit a box full of hats, scarves and blankets for this project. This year, I've decided to give a donation to this non-profit organization for a couple of reasons. Although I'd love to knit something for those cute little ones, I've decided against it for just one reason - Canada Post! Last years package cost so much on postage, that it was ridiculous! This time I thought, I'd rather give the money directly to the Dulaan project, since they not only distribute knitted items, but medical supplies and educational supplies as well. If you are interested you can read all about it here .
And I've decided to give a larger sum than usual, instead of giving little gifts to relatives and friends, this year. Once again, thank the Post office for it. One's loss is someone's gain. ;o) But really, friends and family, think about it for a minute! These Mongolian people need the help so much more, than you would need (not) a little something from me.
I do love to give gifts and will do so all over the year for birthdays and I especially like to give as a surprise for no good reason at all, just to make someone smile (well, that's the reason I'm doing it in the first place). ;o)
I forget what we paid last year. I do remember the total was way more than I expected. Fortunately there were several folks that shared the expense. We are knitting for Dulaan again this year though. Once the holidays are a memory.
I still can't send you an email. It keeps getting bounced for some vague reason. Maybe I have the wrong address. I'm using the one that you left on my blog comments. Has that one been changed. I really want to ask about the jojo heel. My translated instructions are not clear to me.
Happy to see that Sam is improving and will soon be able to get outside unaided.
The little girl in that Dulaan pic is SO SO adorable! I'm starting my Dulaan knits in January...luckily postage is not a problem for me here. I think you made a smart decision though!
You are so good to give to such a worthwhile project. I know what you give will be greatly appreciated :)
Happy holidaying and knitting :)
oh dear monika,
right on!!!
I think that's a very good thing you decided for, giving the money directly to that organization and not to the Canadian Postal Service! It's incredible how much they cash for packages, the same goes over here in Austria as you know - so what better could there be than ´directly giving the money that's so desperately needed. You're a good soul!
Happy holidays, and all the very best to you!
Yeah, Canada Post has insane prices! It's cheaper to mail a package to California than to Brisish Columbia. Ask me how I know. *grin*
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