Looks to me like he's smiling.
And not a 100% certain, of the tree being harmless.
What's in this bag?
And in that one?
What's that?
And that?
Could that one be for me?
Pssssst! Don't tell him yet!
♥ ♥ ♥
It's all about my knitting, spinning and a few other things ....
squeee! Super cute. He is an angel isn't he?
What a cutie. I just want to hug him. Glad he has some fun presents...
He's so nice and patient, went we received presents he immediately tried to get into them figuring they had to be for him, who else would they send presents for?
Hehe merry christmas to u all. Cant wait to see them with their new toys :)
gorgeous dog! :-)
Adorable!! Happy will have a "Happy Christmas," as will your entire crew. Happy Holidays, Monika, from Milo and I!
Looks like the pups are getting spoiled - $10 Denny claims them all as his own!
Ha ha, so ist das bei uns auch immer, erst einmal muß der Hund die Tüten und Taschen kontollieren und auf brauchbares überprüfen. In allem hat sie die Nase und weh sie entdeckt was das sie gebrauchen könnt, dann bettelt sie solange bis sich einer erbamt.
Aber die Geschenke sind ne Wucht, die würden bei uns auch gut ankommen, da bin ich mir ganz sicher. Aber verraten wird nix, versprochen.
Ich wünsche Dir eine gute Zeit und viel Spaß mit Deinen drei Fellnasen beim auspacken.
Sei lieb gegrüßt
Having your pups as entertainment for Christmas is almost like having children around! It's wonderful! I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.
Lucky canines.
Have a great Christmas Monika
Happy is such a good puppy. He will be so excited with his gifts. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet, sweet puppies.
She sleeps on the sofa just like my dog Zaira. I´m writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Your dog captured my attention. Hope you bought her something, poor little thing!
Thanks for sharing.
María Elena.-
Aww he is sooo cute! Merry Christmas to you!!!!
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