I LOVE it! I made that tree skirt ages ago, in lovely patchwork fashion.
The Whities were spooked for a day or two, kept their distance, ran by real fast like. Especially when the lights were on. Waaaah, what huge beast from hell is this? By now Maggie is comfortable enough to throw up right under the tree, what progress!
It took Denny maybe five minutes to get used to it though. He invented a new game, by nudging the decoration on the tree with his nose rather forcefully, so they either fell down on the floor and bounced away, or it made the whole tree jiggle and wiggle, and I swear I could hear Denny giggle. He liked it so much, that he did it again and again.
He only found one ornament hook, which escaped my clean up. I couldn't figure out what he was chewing, but he gave it up rather easily for licking a finger tipped in cafe late.
I think if it wasn't for DD I would not have decorated this year either, but now I'm so glad we did. We even got the Christmas CD's from storage.
Where's Denny? Can you spot him?
By the way, I LOVE gift bags. Some of them are so beautiful, I wouldn't care if nothing were in them, just for the joy of looking at them. (Hehe, I know I'm easy to please.)
Wishing you all a peaceful Advent Sunday!
♥ ♥ ♥
There is no way to miss that tail! Let me wish you and your family a happy Advent, and let us pray that your tree remains standing for the duration.
Ich wünsche dir noch eine angenehme Restadventzeit.
Ich LIEBE diese schön grossen und bunten Weihnachtsbäume!
Ich beneide dich ... und wünsche dir einen schönen 2. Adventssonntag!
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
P.S. Denny habe ich gesehen *schmunzel*
Denny is so funny! Glad you got to put the tree up this year and hope he keeps behaving for you. :-)
Your tree is beautiful, Monika, and Denny is his usual self, the clown. I, too, love gift bags and have a collection that has been growing for years. I can't bear to part with any of them. Rather like yarn!!
The tree is lovely! I love how Denny takes a playful attitude towards everything!
Beautiful tree! I've been using a table top model for the last few years. I think the shelties would knock over a tree racing by it and I don't trust Bentley with the ornaments.
It could be worse... you could have cats! Fortunately, our tree is small, so the cats don't bother it too much - but I'd hate to see them with yours!
Very pretty tree! :)
Beautiful tree!!
Hopefully Denny will be good and it will stay up ;)
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