This one, because you can barely see Maggie. She' trying hard to keep up with Happy.
Maggie running.
Happy is very good in not stepping on her. Often he has to jump over her, and she's always under foot.
Watching me cleaning up after them. If given a chance, Maggie is a poop eater. Gross!
This is the corner of our property, where the wild bunnies come in, even though I'm always boarding up the holes under the fence. I don't like for the pups being there. Denny showed a lot of interest the other day, and I had to shoo him away. Maggie has eyes for Happy only.
It's beautiful to watch him run full stride.
And another cute Maggie photo. All these photos are from some weeks ago.
And not to forget Denny: He's chewing away on a large piece of ice.
He's also molting heavily. His hind legs, and the underside of his belly are already free of thick fur. Happy looks the same, but it's less visible with him. Denny does not like to be brushed (surprise), and does not like to be plucked. Each hair of his, must stay with him, so he eats a lot of them. Of course I still brush him, even though he does not like it, but it's not fun. I don't think vacuuming him directly is an option, since he's already against the silent brush. Now that I know he's got an inch of thick fur on him, I don't think he's as fat as he looks.
I just adore your photos of Happy and Maggie!! I love looking at them and in my mind I see them running, just like in the little video the other day!!!
Poor Denny, fancy having to eat your own fur!!! It must be a bit uncomfortable not to be brushed?? He has a mind of his own!!
Thank you for the nice pictures, i follow you for a long time! And we have a pup too that eats poop, yak! It is so nice to see her grow.
I like your nitting too, lol.
So sehen glückliche Hunde aus! :-) Grüße aus der Ferne!
oh, your dogs are soo cute! nice photos, especially in the snow.
Hallo Monika,
die Fotos sind supertoll geworden - danke für´s Zeigen!
Viele Grüße
Oh, they are so sweet! I loved watching my doggies play in the snow. I miss that. Thank you for the photos.
Also, regarding the brushing thing, we used major bribery to get our dogs to submit (they had long hair and were a PAIN to groom). We would go out to the store and get a specific kind of treat that they could ONLY have when we were grooming them. And usually something that would take a while to chew on or eat. And if they started getting cranky about being brushed we would take the treat away. Worked pretty well.
What a good way to start the week. Love to see all the pics of your pups. Happy and Maggie just make me smile. Denny, too!
Mensch ist Maggie gewachsen. Das Problem mit dem Sch*** essen, das kenne ich von einem Hund einer Bekannten. Da hiess es, die Weibchen werden von der Mutter angelernt das Körbchen sauber zu halten...
Irgendwann kriegt man das aber nicht mehr raus. Ich hoffe, Ihr kriegt die Unart noch weg.
LG Susi
Maggie looks like Happy's shadow, lol. They are just too cute.
Those pics are great. Nimitz still doesn't have much interest in stepping into the deep snow. That's surprising that they're already losing some of their winter fur.
I have heard that if you put grated carrots in their food, they will not like the poop. I don't yet know if it works. I know my pup like carrots so I'll being trying it if I need to.
They are soo cute together, me and mini me :)
Molly is the poop digger in our family. She can often be found on top of the snow bank that was plowed digging for poop. Then you see me chasing after her so she doesn`t eat it.
Boss on the other hand looooooves being brushed AND vacuumed. I figured Denny would like all the attention.
As I say every time...OMG...the ears, the ears... LOL! I love seeing Maggie idolizing Happy - it reminds me of my Wilbur, many years ago, running with his BFF, Cerry.
Wilbur did a little poop eating when he was a puppy, but quickly grew out of it till last year - now he will occasionally eat it if it's frozen (poopsicles...ick...). Maybe she'll grow out of it or be too grossed out when the weather warms up?
Dear little Maggie is just so precious I can't stand it!!!! Almost makes we want another puppy - not - LOL
Had a chewing incident myself this morning, but it wasn't ice, mores the pity ;)
That picture of Maggie barely visible running with Happy just makes me......well, happy. So cute.
You might try vacuuming Denny. He'll probably hate it but you just never know.
Those are fantastic pics!
We had a shepherd/lab when I was a kid (looked more shepherd than lab and he was enormous) and he use to molt like crazy!
I love the picture of Happy stretched out in a full run!
All your pups look like they're have such a good time in the snow. I'm always amazed you can capture such great photos of Happy and Maggie with them being white on white.
Maggie is too cute. i think Happy is mommy to her.
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