Yesterday was a rainy, cold day. I refuse to turn on the heating for the whole house, when we just live in the basement. It's 14C down here, and my fingers, and toes are cold. I'm wearing my Maia fingerless mittens, and wool socks of course, and a jacket, and have some tea, but it's not enough. My nose is still cold, and I believe it's going to be a runny nose soon. Well, actually I don't have my tea anymore. I spilled it all over my desk, what fun. My fingers are just to clumsy when cold. I'm a little pissed off, grumpy whatever you call it. Renovations are still not done yet. There was an unpleasant delay because of the back splash tiles I've chosen. They are designer tiles coming from California. They are glass mosaic, and our guy had never used those before. I agree, they are almost paper thin, and hard to work with, but OH COME ON! Naturally it costs extra to get them done. Grout is still missing, but should be done today. Since they are way behind, I had to reschedule the cleaners, who were going to help me clean the whole house. I was about to hire some help with the furniture moving, but don't know exactly WHEN they should be coming either. The renos were scheduled to be done mid September. It's going to be close to the end of October, hopefully? We didn't expect to need warm clothes, so we packed everything away, and of course the boxes are the ones way in the back of storage, with tons of other stuff in front of them. I'm not even going to try to get to them.
I have been spinning, so here's something to show you:

This was
Spinning Awesome Good! or SAG for short Fiber club colorway "Intuition". It's 4oz BFL, 2-ply, worsted weight, 149yds. It's up for grabs in my

This is also
SAG fiber, but I won this in the monthly draw, back in August. I asked Shelby for something green, with red spots, and she delivered this beautiful fiber! It's superwash BFL, 4oz, 2-ply, 177yds. This one's for myself. I've cast on an easy cowl, but had to frog it. The edge was curling in something fierce. I didn't think blocking would do the trick, so I ripped it out, and started over.

See how the edge folds in? Well I wasn't too far into the project anyway, but still kept going even though I had my doubts.
We are going to go on a day trip with the pups sometime this weekend, as long as the weather is not too bad. Need to get out of this place and see something else for a change, before I go stir crazy.
It is so cold here too and I don't like it either!
I hope you get your renovations sorted soon and I am glad you are having a trip out - it will do you good to get away from it for a bit.
Lovely spinning!
Beautiful colors!
I am tempted, but I will wait until you spin a little greater proportion of some beautiful yarn.
Those greens are lovely.
And yes, please give yourself a change of scenery. I think it will do you a world of good.
Wow, love the green with the spots. I think I have a cowl picked out for the pretty blue I got from you too.
It was cold here last night too, but I've got my favorite knit socks and my little electric stove, just enough for me, the dog and the cats. No furnace yet.
It is cold and raining here too!!!
I hope your renovation blues are sorted out soon, it is dragging on, and I don't want you all to get too cold before you find your Winter clothes.
Such lovely greenness!!!
Lovely stuff! Remembering those first few posts on your blog....when you were just learning how to spin. Did you ever imagine you would someday be selling your handspun?
It's cold here too, but still no hard frost. Sofee is waiting!
It is cold here too...too cold for me!
What a lovely colour, I love them.
A hug to boys from me...
Wow! those greens really turned out stunning!
Brrr!!! The greens are bright and cheerful though. I wouldn't be able to knit or spin with cold hands - that'd be my reasoning for turning the heat on. ;)
So beautiful!!!
Love those greens!
I was wondering if you could help me. I'm looking for 2oz of white roving to dye myself and use as thrumms in a pair of very special mittens. I'd like to stick with someone in Ontario. I thought I had found someone through, but she hasn't returned messages. Can you recommend anyone?
You sure make a gal want to take up spinning. Love the spring greens and it's knitting up so nicely.
Off to make the rounds...still trying to catch up with everyone.
Have a super-duper weekend,
So beautiful yarn you have spinned (as always)!
Can't blame you for the grumpiness /whatever , renos can really take it out of you .Especially when things get delayed . Wishing that the next week brings warmer weather for you and that the rest of it will come together quickly .
Love your yarn , that is some gorgeous green !
Beautiful spinning! Love that fern green color.
Believe it or not we are having a week of cold gloomy weather too. So unusual for us. I sure hope they get the work done soon for you!
Spent all afternoon in the ER with Simcha - he's going to be okay - but it's a crime what that surgeon did to him.
Beautiful yarn! I'm sure your cowl will turn out pretty!
Yours, Julia
Both fibers are lovely! Sorry about the renovation issues. Hope all gets done shortly and you can be warm again!
I feel guilty for reading this on a day when it's a balmy 75F in Ohio. I've always heard that renovations take twice as long as you estimate - really hope yours are done SOON!!!
Beautiful greens...
Yummy yummy yummy.
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