So lets start: This was my daughters room, since she'll only be home for short periods to visit, this room will be my sons room, in addition to his own room. Happy was following me around, while I took pictures. Little Denny had to stay in his crate, because of all the mischief he's doing, and I wanted to concentrate on taking pictures, and not chasing him around. Happy had a lot to sniff.
The next room was at one point the guest room, an office after that, and will be a guest room again. There's a piano in it. All the small upstairs bedrooms look the same now. With a light shade of grey on the walls, the caramel wooden floors. We've installed the same lamps in every room as well.
The laundry room. The old runner was sticking to the floor, when we removed everything, That's the black stuff on the ugly floor. The door leads to the garage. In the after picture the powder room door is leaning against the wall, since it's still not done. Here we have the same tile floor as in the hall and in the kitchen. The walls have a different shade of grey. The old cabinets got new paint too, and new handles, and a new sink in the corner (not visible in the photo). I like it much better now
I love my bedroom. I did the walls some years ago myself, and I left it, since I still like it. There are 200 golden stars there! We removed the mirrowed "sliding" doors (didn't do much sliding anymore, they were the worst idea somebody could have EVER). All the shelves behind them were removed. I got new cabinets with deep drawers and many shelves. I LOVE it! I didnt' want it the full length of the room, so I have a little bit more space. They had to match the short section of the wall to be painted red, and I think they did a great job. My cross ramp machine is not in it's final place yet. That sucker is heavy, and I want to move it only one more time. The wooden caramel colored floor doesn't go so well with my walls here, but I don't care. It looks good throughout the rest of the house.
The stairs were in really bad shape. The entrance tile floor was so ugly, and part of the hall was carpet flooring, which is totally unpractical. Now I love it, the stairs look awesome, and the hall too, and it will be so much easier to clean! The pups have no problem going upstairs, but are cautious coming down, since it's more slippery.
This was my office before, wiht all walls covered with book shelves, the crates were stuffed in here as well. There was only one light, the one on my desk, plus the doors to the deck, but the blinds were always closed, since the sun was blinding me, when I was sitting at the desk. Now it will be our dining room, since we wont have space to sit in the kitchen. We broke through an opening to the kitchen. We installed pot lights, and I really love this room. Even without furniture it feels cozy. The green wall color I choose for this room, the kitchen and the living room looks different, depending on the light. I really LOVE it!
The living room was also my craft room, and will be my office now as well. We closed a small door which led to the kitchen. I can't wait to get this room back together again! This room also had only one hanging lamp, which we removed and installed a bar of lights, which you can point in any direction. I will have light on the desk again, plus standing lamps. At first we wanted to install pot lights also, but since it's a popcorn ceiling, they would have had to remove the whole ceiling, and I didn't want to do that. There was a hole in the ceiling (second photo) from water damage from the bathroom above. It's now covered nicely, so that we can get to the pipes again if need be, and not cut another hole into the ceiling.
Well, that's it! I like how it turned out. Now we just have to get the kitchen done. Meanwhile everything will be cleaned, on Friday duct cleaners will do their job, and after that, I'll hire me some strong men to bring in the furniture. It's a little sad to have to put the old furniture back in, but not a big deal.
Beautiful! Especially love the green against your new floors, and your bedroom storage is awesome.
It's gorgeous! I love the apple green walls contrasting with the reddish wood tones of the floors.
Wow - what a transformation! I love the new green walls!
Absolutely beautiful renovations! We've been renovating slowly (oh, sooo slowly), it must be nice to have everything done at once!
How gorgeous! It looks lovely!
The house is beautiful! Now I can't wait to see what you do with the kitchen.
Wow! It looks fantastic!
What a project!
It is like a brand new house. I especially like the stairs and the bedroom closet and the hall and the colors and the brightness and and and ;-)
Once more: Congratulations!
WOW! It looks gorgeous.
I actually like those floors with your bedroom walls.
The green paint is FABULOUS.
When can I move in? :)
It looks so fresh and updated! you must be so so happy! How wonderful
Looks great! I bet it'll feel so nice when you get the furniture back and can spread out.
Just beautiful! You must feel like you have a whole new house. I love that green- I think you will really enjoy it over the dreary winter!
I LOVE that green on the walls!! Does it match the sweater? It looks like it does.
Liebe Monika, Dein Haus ist wunderschön!!! Da hat sich das Warten und die Arbeit ja wirklich gelohnt. Dein Sternenzimmer mag ich besonders. Darin würde ich mich wohl auch sehr wohl fühlen. Grüße aus der Ferne und viel Glück im "neuen" Heim! Heike
Very lovely! Looks well worth the wait.
Oh my, you must be loving all the changes, I think I love all the floors and the colours you picked.
What a BIG JOB!
I'm exHAUSTed just looking.
You must be pleased as punch.
Well done you.
All ready for spring
Well it is spring somewhere - here for instance - if it would only stop raining so we can know it for sure.
LOVE IT ALL!!! Bright, airy, and so fresh looking! LOVE the windows, floors, and especially that shade of green!!
Beautiful makeover. Isn't it like moving in to a new house. You have chose some wonderful colors.
Love it! Colours are wonderful, and everything looks light and airy, but not in a cold and clinical way; you have yourself a nice new cosy home there. I love how Happy pops up in the pictures, sniffing out what all the new smells are :-)
Sieht wirklich gut aus, nach dem Umbau. Natürlich ist es eine Menge Arbeit, aber im Endeffekt ist man doch froh, wenn es fertig ist und man es genießen kann.
Viel Spass noch beim einrichten.
Wow, this got gorgeous. I think it is absolutely worth all the inconvenience you have had. The wood floor is so beautiful and I like the tiles lying diagonally. You will be so happy once all is over and you are living in your “new” home!
I love everything about your renos and I hope that you agree that it was worth at least some of the aggravation.
Love the cabinets in your bedroom and the tiles you've chosen for the kitchen and laundry room.
Now I want to get my house done, only thing is, for me to get a result I could live with, I'd have to knock my shack down to the rafters. Too bad!
just lovely!!!
WOW! What a lovely renovation and how wonderful it looks! I absolutely love the cabinets (were they custom? They're awesome!).
Congrats again!
Wow, the house looks fantastic. I love the colours.
It looks gorgeous - love the colours you chose, and the wood floor is fantastic!
OMG WHAT is with those STARS?! I can't believe someone actually did that! I'm looking for the rainbow pony but don't see it! Did you already cover over the 1/2 naked woman & big cat? :)
I love the pictures! Everything looks so amazing. Also I love that you painted green. I love that green so much!
Ich liebe Parkett.
Hoffentlich hält er zwei Hunde aus.
Du wohnst ja riesig!
Liebe Grüße, die total verspätete Bea
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