This is shawl # 5 for the 10shawls2010 challenge. I screwed up royally with that one!
Do you wonder why chart B is almost none existent in my version? Of course you do! I thought it didn't work, and tried to fudge along, until I had to stop right there, before I screwed it up even more. Tinking back was not an option for me, since there were beads involved, and of course there was no lifeline, there never is! So I just stopped and started with chart C. There's nothing wrong with chart B, it was just me!
This is not the actual color, but you can at least see the beads a little.
I liked this shawl design right away. It's lovely and delicate, and a free pattern from Anusla. Others have worked her pattern over, so it would be easier to understand (well that didn't work for me), and they did a great job!
The one thing I did not like was, that they said to knit the last purl row with double strand, and so I cast off with double strand too. I don't like how it looks, but by then I didn't care anymore. This was supposed to be a master piece, since I used BEADS for the FIRST time!
Can you see them in the above picture? I put three beads on each leave tip starting row 5 of the 9 leave rows I did. I quite like them. I would use beads againa, but sparingly, because it's quite the hold up using them. The weight of the beads gives the shawl a nice drape, even the few I used. I bought them at Michaels, and about half of the beads in the box were damaged, differnt size, hole too small etc.
This shows NOT the actual color either, but I liked the shot anyway.
here are the specs:
pattern: Frozen Leaves by Anusla
yarn: Posh yarn Camilla (discontinued), 2-ply lace yarn, cashmere, colorway Memories. This yarn was very splitty, but it's so soft, that I didn't care.
needle: 3mm, I wanted a better stitch definition with the leaves, that's why I used smaller needles
beads: size 6/0 glass beads, attached with hook # 12
size after blocking: 27" x 50", I did NOT block the heck out of it
start-finish: April 25 - May 6, 2010
I could see me doing this one again, but next time with chart B right, with or without beads. I loved knitting it though, mistakes and all.
looks really great - wonderful pattern and wonderful work...
greetings - gudrun
It's gorgeous, Monika, mistakes and all. Which, by the way, aren't even noticeable. I have to figure out the English translation.
I think it looks beautiful. :-)
It looks fantastic - you can totally see it's softness.
I did a short Chart 2 on two of my Frozen leaves - mostly becuase I just wanted to finish. On the one I did for Mom I did more of Chart , but it's still shorter than the pattern, but I like it that way.
I love that pattern too, and was going to knit one but Valerie beat me to it for Mother's Day. I love it.
I think it looks great! I don't see any mistakes at all, just a gorgeous shawl. That's too bad about the beads though.
WOW! Your lace shawls are so beautiful and inspiring ... I would love to knit myself one but alas, the 3 kdis & the cat have other ideas ... perhaps one day ...
Your shawl is beautiful, as usual! My monitor shows a delicate blue, and the beads add that little extra something special.
(I had the same problem with the beads at Michael's. You'd think they'd do something about that!)
It is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Very pretty and I do love the beads. I'm not surprised about the amount you had to week out. I guess they are not 'knitting quality'?
That is stunning. The color, the pattern, it's simply gorgeous!
Lovely shawl & the color looks great.
Love the pattern, I can see it really clearly and the beads too. Who needs Chart B???? You should use beads again!!
Dein Tuch ist so wunderschön.
dieser Farbton zu einem eleganten Cocktailkleid kann ich mir wunderbar vorstellen.
ganz liebe Grüße Efli
Cashmere ..... hach, der Schal muss weich sein...
Die Farbe gefällt mir sehr gut. Du schreibst, sie entspricht nicht der Abbildung. Aber hoffentlich doch einigermaßen, weil die Farbe die ich sehe sieht sehr schön aus.
Grüßle, die Bea
Beautiful. You will have your 10 shawls finished in no time at all.
Wow, that is gorgeous! Love it. :)
Wenn auch nicht beabsichtigt Chart B weg zu lassen - eine klasse Idee. Mir gefällt das Tuch so noch viel besser, es sieht viel zarter aus mit der schmalen Borte. Wunderschön!
Mistakes??? Where??? All I see is a gorgeous delicate shawl that looks like frosted leaves with perfect bead accents! Mistakes indeed! LOL!!
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