I shouldn't have taken such a long spinning break! It's not that I forgot how to do it, but my hands forgot how to do it RIGHT. That will teach me! So I've decided to fill up seven of my eight bobbins for my Kromski Minstrel wheel (love it). The 8th bobbin is somewhere in a bag, half filled with fiber, which resembles my current hair color. I did not feel like finishing that right now. So I'm working with seven bobbins for the time being.

More about all this fiber, when I've finished plying. I've just started plying today, in between some sweater knitting. I had to change the driving band, and the new band jumped off the wheel in the middle of navajo plying - twice! Monkey never learns, or does she? It's going well, considering, with what I'm working here. Totally over twisted singles. I've kept the worst (green stuff) for last, keep your fingers crossed for me, that I will not need to be cut out of a tangled mess. It's a shame too, since the green stuff was my favorite. Maybe I can make some kind of usable yarn out of it.

I told you the last time, that Angelika's package contained something else. It was a surprise for DD Hannah. She would have loved the Hooded Pullover from Vogue Knitting Fall 2008 in the original color and yarn, as in the magazine. I was not able to get exactly that around here. The online stores, which had the Wool Ease Chunky, did not have the color Amber, and the ones which did, did not ship to Canada. Anyway, Angelika made it possible. I could not wait, and told Hannah already, so here are the pics: Late last night, I cast on for the sweater. The color in the pictures of the magazine is lighter, than the real deal, but I hope Hannah still likes it. ;o)

And finally, last October I've signed up for Socktopus Sock Club 2009 (with all the fixin's and trimmings). Now, we've got the first installment:

The presentation of this package was wonderful. I wish you could smell it! The pattern, designed by Alice Yu is called "Om Shanti Bed Socks", and the yarn is Chameleon Colorworks Evolution, 100% Merino Optim stretched wool. It's very soft. First time I've touched yarn like that. I would be lying, if I said I like the colorway, I don't. First I thought I could doverdye it, than I though, why not knit bed socks for somebody else, like my grandma or mother? We'll see. In any case, I'm keeping the goodies for sure. There's Mountain Spa Foot Soak; it says on the package: "Chamomile soothes the skin while oils of pine and grapefruit refresh tired feet and improve circulation." There's also Mountain Spa Foot Soap, and Foot Butter. :o) Lovely, lovely, don't you think? The club subscription was meant as (last years) Birthday gift, but I'm patient sometimes, and can wait for as long as it takes to get goodies like that.
I'm off to work on the sweater. Hannah sure could use it right now, all the way out there in Halifax!
Liebe Monika,
es ist so schön, wieder regelmäßig von Dir zu lesen. Ich muss sagen, ich hab Dich sehr vermisst in den zwei Monaten, in denen Du "offline" warst.
jetzt gibt es endlich wieder schöne Bilder, neue Spinn- und Strickprojekte von Dir zu sehen. Dein Gesponnenes ist so schön farbenfroh, wunderschön.
Und der Hoodie aus der Vogue Knitting, ein tolles Teil. Was für ein Glück Deine Hannah hat, so eine kreative Mum zu haben. Ich bin auch sehr gespannt, was sie dazu sagt.
Über so ein tolles Päckchen freut frau sich immer, oder? Schöne Sachen hast Du da bekommen.
Bis bald und viel Spaß bei Deinen Handarbeiten, ganz liebe Grüße
Monika, the cables on the sweater look lovely. I's sure Hannah will love it.
I like the Socktopolus colorway. It reminds me of watermelons or strawberries. I wish I liked knitting sock. I have tried them, but alas, I really hate to knit them. The yarn would make a pretty scarf for spring; maybe Peaks and Valleys or Her Scarf?
Great idea to put up the Frapper Map for the book travels.
All those bobbins lined up look so nice! And the color for the sweater really is a nice shade, no wonder you wanted it :)
Busy, as usual. I love to see your spinning and knitting. Two questions: do you like knitting with Woolease? And where did you find that Sock Club. Is it still open? Hope you have wonderful weekend.
So many fun things in this post! First, it has to be the sweater - OMG - what a gorgeous design and it will suit Hannah so well!
Then, just when I've worn off sock clubs you have to go and tempt me :) That was a very cool package you received and the yarn looks to~die~for! Have fun with it :)
Hannah will probably love it. Sweet of you and Angelika!
I bet you get your spinning mojo back in a hurry. Crossing fingers for you on the green!
Reactions - Ohhhhh - look at all those lovely bobbins of stuff...has she plied them yet? Oh - LOVE that sweater - OH - PINK and white? Hmmmm - don't like it that much....
Funny huh?
I too had taken a several month break from spinning and was disappointed with my resulting yarn. Fortunately, it comes back.
Hannah will love the sweater, I'm sure. She's very fortunate that her knitting mom can make her sweater dreams come true.
Ahhhh....I need to get back into spinning again.
Bin schon gespannt wie das fertig gesponnene Garn aussehen wird. Der Hoodie, den den für Hannah strickst, sieht super aus. Ich habe ihn schon bei Ravelry von anderen bewundert. Sie wird sich bestimmt darüber riesig freuen. In schon auf die Fotos gespannt.
The Hoody is knitting up nicely. Wow, lots of cables. I hope your spinning gets back on track and I'm sure you'll find some "victim" for the pink, if you don't like it too much.
Such gorgeous fibre pics... they almost send me scuttering for my own wheel ;) ... I don't want my hands to forget how to spin!
Hmmm... maybe I should start that sweater, I had almost forgotten how beautiful it is! And your's look like it's going to be a stunning beauty!
Hannah's sweater so far looks wonderful. That was very nice of your friend to send you the yarn. Can't wait to see the sweater finished as well as your sock club socks!
happy knitting :)
You've been quite busy. I'm sure your spinning will come out great. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished yarn. I so need to pull out my wheel. Maybe tomorrow if this cold lets up.
I am reserving judgment on the sock yarn too, I have that divinely aromatic package too and my first feelings were of disappointment at the colour of the sock yarn. The previous package's colour is not to my liking either but the pattern is beautiful. As always though, the yarn is special...and the other bits so well thought out.
Oh your spinning! So beautiful and even...I daren't buy any more bobbins, four is enough for me!
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