hook: 4.5mm
size after washing and blocking: 49" x 59"
start-finish: November 18 - 30
DH Karl enjoyed it during his visit home for Christmas.
After that was done, I thought I had the crochet bug out of my system, but I was wrong. It was stronger than ever. So I looked through the "200 crochet block" book and found this simple, single crochet square, which appealed to me at once.
I choose 4 colores and came up with 4 different ways to crochet the squares.

pattern: square # 109, square # 29 for the border, "200 crochet blocks" by Jan Eaton
yarn: Pervian Collecton Highland Wool from elann, 26 balls total
hook: 5mm
size: 49" square
start-finish: December 3 - 31
It took me about 70 hours to finish this blanket. I love it.
That leaves me only with one more thing, and than I'm all caught up: These pictures have been waiting for quite some time, to get their turn.
This handspun yarn is made with 4oz of Corriedale, and 4oz of Norwegian fiber, which I dyed myself. It's a total of 936yds, 2-ply in very fine fingering weight. I never considered this project to be done, because I wanted to spin a lavender colored fiber to go with it, but never got to it. I still intend to do this, but god knows when.

225g African Fine, dyed with lavender and silver birch color
Lieb Monika,
ich komme aus dem Staunen gerade nicht mehr raus!!
Beide Decken sind einfach toll und ich wüsste nicht, welche mir besser gefällt.
Mir fehlen irgendwie gerade die Worte....
LG Heike
Wow! You rock, Kiddo! Those blankets are just stunning. I know what you mean about the urge to crochet. I get it, too, but my wrist tells me otherwise. You weren't just busy while you were gone. You were on a roll!!! Milos sends hugs to the pups.
WOW! You have been super busy! Love the blankets. Makes me want to learn how to crochet. :)
Love the blankies! Specially the second one.... Very very fun!
Die graurote Decke ist ja wohl superedel ! Gefällt mir richtig gut.
Liebe grüße Eva
I'm really going to learn crochet now. I knew you were hidingin some new blankets somewhere! I love the edge detail on the red and gray blanket and how you did some of the oclor transiostion in the purple blanket.
omg, i love that gray, red and white blanket! both of them are so gorgeous!!!
Both of the blankets are masterpieces! I love how you combine colors and shapes to create such dramatic pieces :)
That such a great style. Oh how I wish I had chosen a sweater like this rather than the CRJ!
Those are awesome! I like how you combined the colors in the squares on the purple one before moving on to the next color.
What a beautiful FO's you show on your blog this week! I can hardly believe you knit and crocheted that many projects. They all look very lovely. I like both the blankets and the cardigan very much.
Wouw Monika! Wunderschöne Decken!
Ein Riesenkompliment!
Schön, dass du wieder "da" bist ;-)
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
Wonderful blankets. I love the second one. I don't know how to crochet but these are inspirational. Thanks for sharing you your work.
I LOVE your gray/red afghan...especially the bobble border :) It really is stunning!
I love the border on that second blanket. You were just knocking out the projects like crazy. You're putting all the rest of us to shame!
Love the afghans, especially the edging on the purple one and the colors of the grey one.
Margie in Maryland
Boah, sind die Decken schön!!! Die Farben passen super zueinander. Ich habe schon ewig nicht mehr gehäkelt, da bekommt man richtig Lust auch anzufangen. Da fällt mir ein, an meine Mosaikdecke könnte ich auch mal weitermachen ...
That four colored crocheted square blanket is utterly beautiful, Monika.
I missed Sam's entrelac blankie! so cute. (The blankie) (and the dog, of course.)
The blankets look great! Wow, you have considerable patience -- TWO afgans!
The handspun is totally gorgeous.
I love the grey/red blanket!
And your yarn is beautiful as always ;)
Your grey and red blanket is totally awesome!! Love the colors and the funky textured edging!
Sam's entrelac bed cover if so WOW!! Wow on the color and wow on the entrelac!!
Your spinning looks good enough to eat! The fact that you've chosen a companion color suggests you have a project in mind???? I can hardly wait!!
The crochet bug seems to be catching. I'm liking it, too. Fast and fun, but boy does it eat yarn.
Just adore your blankets! Makes a person want to get out the crochet hook!
Fabulous afghans. I especially love the red, black, grey and white. It is stunning. I'm always in awe of your creations.
Love your blog, you have great pictures. I absolutely love seeing your pictures of Biko and Sam. I used to crochet(mainly knit/spin now), and upon seeing your grey, white, and red crocheted squares blanket I immediately loved it. Love the bobble on the outside band!
That edge is the perfect finishing touch.
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