Thank you all, who left comments on my last post about my handspun yarn . It looks like this "sea" color is popular. :o)
As I mentioned before, I think Cat Bordhi is my favorite sock designer. She really brings a new direction to sock knitting. That's why, as soon as I saw her socks in Knitter's Magazine Summer 2008, I was looking for the magazine, and as soon as I had it, I cast on for the "Spring Thaw Socks".

Of course I managed to screw up the first sock, but managed to fake it through. I don't easily force myself to rip something out, when I see some way to get through it anyway. I was just wondering silently, when I will be able to knit something without a single mistake. That, of course, would be perfection, and who is that perfect?
I made them for my DD, because 1. I have enough socks, and plan on knitting more for myself, and 2. I thought the cast on amount of stitches would be too tight for me (but I was wrong, this is a very stretchy sock!). She's got shorter feet, so that's why I couldn't change my mind halfway through.
Well, I didn't make the same mistakes with the second sock, but found new and other ones to make. Oh well. Who's going to look that closely? The yarn is also cotton stretch, and it was not too bad to knit with it, but it had three knots in it, and all of them in the second sock!
I liked the way the ribbing started right from the beginning, and followed through for the gusset, up to the cast off. I did a different, and easier cast off as well. I trust Cat completely, that's why I followed the instructions blindly, even though it was not clear to me (after the gusset, before the heel), and it turned out well.

It was a little awkward to knit these, because I used 5 double point needles instead of circular needles, but it's doable.
I liked the way the ribbing started right from the beginning, and followed through for the gusset, up to the cast off. I did a different, and easier cast off as well. I trust Cat completely, that's why I followed the instructions blindly, even though it was not clear to me (after the gusset, before the heel), and it turned out well.

pattern: Spring Thaw socks, by Cat Bordhi, Knitter's Magazine Summer 2008
yarn: Lana Grossa Meilenweit Cotton Stretch, color red (8003), 41% cotton, 39% wool, 13% polyamid, 7% elite; machine washable
needles: 2.5mm % DP
size: 9"
start-finish: July 17-23
I've already made another pair, with slight variations, and to fit my feet.
My boys are home, and they brought over 300 photos with them and interesting stories to tell. I'd like to share some pictures I love most, but not today, have to get through them etc. Today I'll be ironing, since my DH is leaving for Europe tonight.
those are so pretty!
Ooo and they're red too! Don't worry, I'm not seeing the mistakes, I just see a pair of gorgeous socks! Your daughter is very lucky to have a mom who can knit awesome stuff.
I love them! I particularly love that bright red. Wish *I* were going to Europe!
i love that pattern. i can tell why you like cat's patterns so much. if i was a sock knitter...maybe one day. :)
Very nice!
What a lot of traveling!
Love the socks - the leaf motif is very pretty and looks great in the red yarn.
How annoying to have that many breaks in a skein - particularly with socks where it's nice not to have any joins.
What a lovely pattern! And the color is perfect for it.
gorgeous red socks...we don't get that magazine over here :^(
Ironing? Wait, leaving? He just got home.
Those socks are cute! Perfect is overrated. I have to try Cat Bordhi's patterns, I like the rib from the tip all the way through myself.
I love the ribbing in your latest sock creation. Very pretty and very different. I've never done socks on circulars. I'm happy with my dpns, but one of these day I know I should give it a try :)
Your hubby's leaving so soon :(
The socks are beautiful! I really like Cat Bordhi patterns to.
I'm glad to hear the camera and the boys made it back ;).
congratulations !
i have her book, but have not attempted a pair, yet. soon, i hope.
hannah is indeed lucky.
all the best,
"strohwitwe" again?
You blow my mind with the speed of your sock-knitting! These are awesome!
Beautiful, beautiful socks!
Whoa! These are stunning :)
Nice socks!
boah, die sind richtig klasse!
Ich hab gerade auch ein Buch von Frau Bordhi auf der möcht-ich-kaufen-Liste. "New pathways for sock knitters".
Grüßle, die Bea
I also bought the magazine after seeing her pattern ... just so lovely! I will have to make them too.
Your smoking hot needles made such smoking hot flaming socks! :)
I almost started those two weeks ago for a holiday project! Wish my mom knit for me! Yours are really nice and now I really want to get started on mine!
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