Do you know where my boys are?
(sorry couldn't help myself)
(cell phone picture taken by DH)
Yeah, while DH and DS are on vacation, I'm enjoying my time home alone. I've read 6 books so far, in addition to spinning and knitting, and playing with the dogs. Not doing much else, as I said, enjoying my time off too.
I took a picture before they left, of the fiber I'm planning on spinning. I'm still on the natural stuff. I found out that spinning for a specific project is not as easy, as spinning just for the heck of it. Getting the right yarn weight is harder than I thought. I wanted to do a 2-ply, but as it turned out, the singles were too thin, so I did a navajo plying with the first skein, and it looks like it's going to work. Now to achieve the same results with the colored fiber. If all goes well, these fibers will be mittens some day.

Ich liebe ja auch das quilten, wenn ich da auch erst am Anfang stehe. Danke für den Link. Sehr schöne Sachen findet man da. Und Deine Strickereien sind wieder unglaublich schön geworden.
LG Susi Knitchicks
I'd love some time off too! Sounds like a nice relaxing time. That little pouch is adorable. I'll have to see about trying to make one, although I've nevver put in a zipper before.
Your tea purse is precious! You've read 6 books ready - you read fast :) I'm glad you are enjoying your leisure time.
That tea cup pouch is cute!
So what six books did you read? Enjoy your vacation!
I wouldn't mind being alone for a bit (as long as it wasn't too long)...might be rather nice and the house would stay clean :)
Enjoy :)
The joke made me chuckle. :-)
Skippy, Skippy, Skippy the bush kangaroo, Skippy, Skippy, Skippy a friend ever true!!
Skippy was a great TV show I watched when I was little!! Skippy was a girl though!! Love the cup of tea puch, it is so cute!! You have excellent taste!!
Ha! Too funny.
Such an adorable bag! I want one too! It would be great for toting tea bags in my work bag.
Love the "tea bag"! It's adorable.
I absolutely love that tea cup purse, very cute. Thanks for linking it. I think my co-worker would love something like that for her birthday.
I hope you will get the mittens you want out of the yarn you are spinning.
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