O.K. I have to say this first: It's the second time in 13 years, that I killed our home phone. I forgot it outside, and it got drowned in a rain storm. I was amazed that it still kind of worked. I could dial out, but nobody could hear me. So I've got a brand new phone, which is almost as small as a cell phone, with lots of tricks. It's got a nicer ring tone as well. I choose some kind of Mozart piece. Now I don't want to pick it up right away, but listen to it, not like the last phone's ring, which was so annoying, that I could not get it to stop fast enough. The first phone I killed by the way, went into our pool. Why do electronics and water don't mix so well? ;o)
And now back to this posts main theme: Back in May I decided to send my DD Hannah a care package for her upcoming birthday in June. I collected many items of which I thought she would like. I also thought I should knit her something special, but small, because I didn't have that much time, considering the (none) speed of Canada Post etc.
I decided on the little silk shrug from "Lace Style". I liked the original in it's lovely blue color. Blue is not one of Hannah's favorite colors, so I ordered it in this burgundy:

Since it was for her birthday, it was supposed to be very special, that's why I ordered the original yarn used in the book. It's LaLana Phat Silk yarn. I've read about LaLana yarns, and was excited to be working with it soon. I did not care that it was on the expensive side, but had to swallow hard, when the shipping cost was US $ 16 for those two skeins (even though the real postage on the package was $ 3.81).
The day they package came I wound both skeins in yarn cakes and cast on. What a lovely, pleasurable knit it could have been, but as you can see in the following pictures the yarn was horrible. Thick and thin throughout the first yarn cake. I must admit I was seething, because usually I use yarn substitutes, and this was something special.

For the first time in my life I complained to the company. To my surprise I heard back the next day, which was a holiday in the US (can't remember which). I was offered to return the yarn in exchange for the same, but better quality. But I already had almost finished the shrug, and I was out of time. So I was offered to choose some yarn of my choice at no cost whatsoever to me.
It was customer service at it's best, and even though the shrug looked kind of pumpy, and not as wonderful as I thought it would, I was mollified.
I choose this lovely blue Phat Silk Fine. Still don't know what I'll knit with it. It has to be something special, because the yarn IS wonderful to work with.
One skein is 142yds.

The silk shrug pattern is by Pam Allen from "Lace Style". It's very well written (one size). It took 1 1/2 skeins to finish it. The second skein was fine, so the first one must have been the odd one out.

Unfortunately I don't think it was a success at all. I don't' think Hannah really liked it that much. It took her until now, to send me some pictures of her wearing it, and I had to ask repeatedly for it. I don't blame her, really, since it's hard to knit something for someone, if that someone didn't express total desire to get it in the first place.
I LIKED it, which should have stopped me, because we don't have the same taste at all. :o)

There were also three fruit cozies in the care package, and it looks like Hannah liked those, because she sent me this picture as well. She's using them! Yeah! :o)
That was really great customer service, I'd say!
Shades of me running my cell phone through the washer , sort of , lol!
Learning from past experience I tend not to knit sweaters and such for others , even dear sons , unless they absolutely expressed a liking for the knit .It makes it a bit hard to surprise them though . They always seem to appreciate hats , scarves and mitts so I stick to knitting those as gifts.
ohhhh I really like it! I think I even have that pattern queued. Love the colour silk too.
Weird how that ball was thick and thin but i'm glad you got some new stuff out of it seeing how its silk and all!
The yarn looks really nice and I like the color. From the way the skeins look you could have never guessed, that it's so uneven. And the postage is awful. At least with the additional yarn they sent you, you might break even.
Wow. That was a disappointment. I am very surprised, frankly. I'm glad they were able to provide you with replacement yarn that pleased you. I have exactly the same quanity (2) skeins and was thinking of using it for the Morning Surf Scarf - but may wait to see what you make with yours and copy you :)
If it's any consolation I love the shrug on Hannah. It's very sexy with the open work and the color is fabulous on her.
So pleased she like the fruit cozies - so cute.
That's a bummer with the yarn. And I sure hope that your daughter appreciated your effort, even though she might not like it that much.
It IS beautiful yarn, colour-wise. Take solace in the fact that you did your very best to please your daughter. I'm sure she knows (and appreciates) your effort, even if the shrug is not her favorite.
That's too bad about the yarn, but at least they did try to make it up to you. It is very hard to knit for someone else. I always hold my breath and hope for the best :)
It's a lovely shrug but that's why I don't like knitting for people unless they specifically ask. Those fruit socks are just so adorable and at least those are getting used! :-)
At least she liked the fruit cozies.
That's too bad about the yarn. I'm glad that the company tried to make it up to you.
Water and phones don't mix? I'll have to make a note of that. :)
Liebe Monika,
erstens muss ich noch was zu Deinem geometrischen Schal sagen: Er ist wundervoll - so eine einfache Idee und sieht klasse aus. Ich glaub, das Buch muss ich auch noch haben :-)). Kannst Du es auch sonst empfehlen?
Die Sache mit dem Silk-Garn ist schon ärgerlich, aber Dein Shrug ist wunderschön geworden und sieht an Hannah sehr schick aus.
Es ist auch für mich immer ein Problem, wenn ich für andere etwas gestrickt habe, denn ob sie es wirklich mögen, weißt Du nie ganz genau. Okay, bei meinem Mann weiß ich es - er freut sich immer wie ein Schneekönig und das ist echt. Man muss aber schon ganz genau wissen, ob der Beschenkte die Mühe und den Aufwand schätzt bzw. überhaupt schätzen kann!
Ich glaube, dass Deine Tochter dieses modische schicke Teilchen mag. Die Bilder sprechen jedenfalls für sich, auch wenn es etwas lange gedauert hat, bis sie sie Dir geschickt hat.
Liebe Grüße
The new phone sounds wonderful. I wished mine would play Mozart.
That postage charge was ridiculous, but I guess the customer service made up for it.
I had to chuckle at your comment about how your taste is different then your daughters. Mine is very different then my daughters.
I must say, I think the shrug is lovely! I'm glad that customer service came through on the yarn complaint.
We just got two new cordless phones (but not because I dropped the old one in the river!), and I was amazed at how small and dainty they are compared to the old one. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your new phone lives a long happy life. Don't take it swimming! :)
wow, what amazing service that was! I love the shrug too and it looks great on your daughter.
I think the shrug is gorgeous despite the crappy yarn. At least made a real effort to make it right!
What a story about this yarn! You are right: it is difficult to knit for someone else.
I also killed a phone once because of the rain...
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