Monica made me aware of this new sock book coming out. I think it was back in March. I pre-ordered it and got it in the mail today! Monica, did you get yours today as well?

I've bought this book unseen, but I liked the title page, and everybody knows "Rivendell" knit by the Yarn Harlot. I wanted to support Janel Laidman as well, since she self published this book.

I think this is a wonderful book, with 14 gorgeous patterns in it. I don't know yet how well it is written, or if there is errata, but which book hasn't errata? In any case, from looking at the charts, and the wonderful layout, and design of all pages, I must say I haven't had many knitting books, which were so well outlined. It reminds me of Cat Bordhi's "New Pathway" book.

Here are a few of the socks from the book, but you can't see the best parts. Well done, Janel, and thanks for signing the book. It's my first signed book! The hard part now is to decide which one I'll knit first. And I didn't even want to knit socks right now!
I'm glad you found a solution to your bag problem. I'm a little slow in reading my blogs lately. I like the socks in your new book, especially the sole to the one on the cover.
Those are some very cool sock patterns! I love your tapestry bag - I'm not sure why you weren't happy with it. But, I'm glad you found a fix that makes you a little happier.
I'm on a sock kick. Well, not actually knitting socks but wanting more handknit socks.
Those patterns are really nice! I can see where which one first would be a problem.
That looks like very neat sock book. Can't wait to see what starts flowing off your needles! :-)
I'm loving what I see of this sock book. Now if I could only find it in stock somewhere so my needles can play nice with it.
Very nice sock book. It looks like it would fit in nicely with my collection of other sock books.
Wow, those are edgy socks!!! I'm not sure they would keep my feet warm!!!
That book does sound interesting and I'm going to look for it. Thanks for your review and give the dogs a kiss from me!
Wowza, what a funky sock book! I love it! Thanks for the tip!
Das Buch sieht klasse aus. Hoffentlich gibt es das auch bald hier zu kaufen. Dein neuer Shawl ist super - wo nimmst Du nur die Zeit her?
LG Susi
This seems like a very interesting sockbook.
ah, sehr schöne Muster.
Grüßle, die Bea
Ooh! I want that book! Great patterns!
I am stuck trying to follow instructions for the heel decrease for the migration pattern. Can you help me past the stuckness?
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