What could it be?
Well, a few days ago, Sabine and I were talking about something, and she promised to send me some material to read. She mailed it off on the 16th, and it was in my hands on the 19th! That was fast.
To my total surprise, when I opened the flat cardboard envelope, the scent of lavender escaped, and filled my greedy inhaling nostrils. I love lavender! As you can see, there was not just some written material, but out came some wonderful grassy green Uru lace weight yarn! How did Sabine know that green is one of my favorite colores? I might not knit a lot of green things, but I have hoarded lots of different green yarns so far. I pet it, I like looking at it, and keep thinking soon, soon I'll find the right pattern for all of my lovely greens!

See the lavender? It's from her very own garden. I planted Lavender once, it didn't make it. So sad. There was also some delicious tea. I might have had a cup already. It's "Shipibo Treasure Tea", sooo good! Thank you, Sabine, for this unexpected, but very welcome gift! :o)

After the Queen Anne's Lace shawl was done, I kind of couldn't find a project which would satisfy me. I didn't know what I wanted myself. Well I made one other thing, I have yet to show you, but it's so precious, it needs a post all by itself. Soon.
I've been casting on, and ripping out for days now. I finally decided on this 8-point crochet star blanket, as my outside project. I was about 30 rounds into it, when I noticed a mistake where the rounds are joined. So I had to rip all of it, asked Mariella for advice. She made my all time favorite star blanket, in the best colors possible (my opinion). Anyway, mine is not going to be very big, since I only have 5 balls of Butterfly Super 10 mercerized cotton to play with, but whatever the size will be, it will be enough.

In the meantime, since I've received so much lovely yarn, I've cast on for a pair of socks with yarn from Hannah's package, and the pattern comes from my new sock book. It's the "Hypnosis" pattern. I'm also test knitting socks for Bea, or I should say, I'm going to cast on today. Now, that I have something on my needles again, I have no problem to decide what to do next. I see Uru lace yarn, and mohair/silk blend yarn in my near future.
My dad has Lovage in his garden for decades now. It grows big as a bush, and I would love to have at least ONE in my garden. What would you do?
I have some tomato seeds started inside, but I don't think they're going to sprout. Looks like I may be headed to the garden centre to get some already started, which is what I probably should have done in the first place!
Have a nice weekend. :)
that is some YUMMMMMMMMY green! Can't wait to see what you make with it.
Ooh, lovely star blanket in progress. I'm looking for a baby blanket pattern right now, I think I'll pop over to Ravelry and have a look at this one!
What a fabulous and fortunate week for you! Here's hoping that good things continue to come your way.
enjoyed catching up on your blog. As a gardner, I think plants do much better outaside but be careful with the spearmint, it can be invasive. Best to sink a big pot into the ground and plant inside that!
I just love the shawl
This almost seems like yarn overload. I like the color you chose for the blanket
Love the star blanket...such a pretty color :)
I'm no help in the herb/plant dept. ;)
love your shawl!
i have just ,almost, finished two big commissions and have been hungering for some lace! soon!
ah, lovage.my mother had it in her garden and it was also a big bush. she would snip it into soups. so delicious.i've been looking for plants for a long time and finally found some this year.
i would do both. plant one in a pot, plant the others in the garden and pray! talk to them. that's what i will do.
love your blog!
have a good weekend!
I love the green yarn, very pretty.
I have never grown lovage and I have killed my share of plants. With that being said, I would plant one inside and the others outside. My MIL, who is really good with plants, once told me to be careful to not overwater my inside plants. Her advice has worked out good for me. I also give my plants some plant food every once in awhile, something like miracle grow or peters. It seems to work for me. Good Luck!
I have such a black thumb that you don't want plant advice from me! That green yarn looks like lovely grass to roll around in. And where did you find the star pattern? Stitch dictionary?
Lovely green lace and lavender! Best of luck with the lovage; I only seem to be able to grow african violets and orchids... I kill herbs and everything else...
i forgot to add my name to the loveage post.
having completed, almost, most of my commisions i embarked upon a project which had been on the top of my list for some time.
the "Kyla" mits. i just LOVE them!
one is done, he second well on the way. great pattern, great knitting!
there will be more!
thank you for sharing this pattern!
have a good sunday.
Nice to receive all those lovely things by mail!
Lovely yarn, nice color.
Good luck with your plants.
oooh that green is scrumptious! I can't wait to see what you do with it!
What a rich delicious green!! Your whole post is so "summer" with the lovely green plants and yarn! It's only just starting to warm up here! I could almost smell those herbs!!
That wool is so incredibly green!!! We're not allowed to send plant matter through the post here, we can't even get plants or seeds from the mainland: our quarantine service is very strict.
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