Oh what an inspired title! Must be brain freeze. Just came in from playing with the dogs. It's cold and windy. Not that I'm complaining.
I'm a bit miffed, because I found out, that Canada Post is having a huge backlog on packages coming from the US to Canada. That might mean that there will not be all Christmas gifts under the tree this year. :o( I still hope we'll be the lucky ones to get the mail in time. They had the problem since October, and just now thought of hiring more staff. It's just not as magical to open presents in the dead of winter, in January (or whenever we'll be able to). O.K. enough about that. Here's my latest creation: Noro hat - but not.

I used 4.5mm needles, and cast on the required 95 stitches. It fits my head, I'm pleased.
I'm a little tired today, and my right hand hurts (from spinning). I have to take it easy (but I don't want to).

I made two more mini sock key chains, but they are almost impossible to photograph. I tried inside, and outside, but the red isn't coming out right. The red sock has cables all around the leg part. The other one got some fair isle. I just made it up as I went along. Even with this tiny sock I managed to make it tight. I really have to work on fair isle knitting more. I like it, but can't do it quite right. But as we learned form experience, I'm capable of learning new stuff! :O)

Mm, shiny! More about it later. Wish you all a nice weekend!
PS. Ravelry got fixed. I can look through my favorite pages again. Yeah!
Wow, love the handspun hat. I like that idea for using up little bits of left over handspun. And what is that absolutely gorgeous fiber you are spinning??? it looks like angel hair!!! so glittery and shiny and touchable1
Sorry to hear about the post office. Maybe you will get a Christmas Miracle and get all the gifts on time. We can hope. Love the hat (of course) and I am so in love with the teeny tiny sockies. Too Cute!
I love how the ridges change color - perfect for your beautiful handspun! You sure are making some pretty yarn these days!
Your hat looks so warm and cozy!! Love the colours!
monika, ick könnt dir knewtschen!
sind das immer 5re5li? und verrätst du mir, wieviel knäuel du verbraucht hast? ich hab nämlich noch zwei einsame hier liegen... fürn schal müsst ich noch n drittes besorgen, mag aber eigentlich nix kaufen und hab auch genug schals und tücher...
viele liebe grüsse!
One can never have too many hats! That's a lovely cozy looking one. You just send your government a note not to be such a Grinch- and advise them to hire extra staff to handle packages. Hump. Ridiculous. Mini socks are too cute.
Love the hat, so warm and beautiful looking.
The little socks are just too cute!
i adore those socks! i must learn how to knit regular sized socks so i can make one of those keychains!
the hats are rad!! love the look.
Your hat is fun! That fibre your spinning is beautiful! Love the shimmer it has!
that hat looks great! but that roving yum!
Those ornaments are simply adorable! So sweet, they would make me happy too :o)
I envy the time you have to knit. I've been trying to knit at least ONE thing for christmas and I haven't gotten very far. My son loves pulling the string of my yarn and closing my patterns on me.
I love the hat. It's so colorful. Your recipients are so lucky to be getting gifts from you. I'm ashamed though, I've never worked with noro. And all I've ever heard was good things about it. Maybe you should relax and have a tea? :D
Oh, I'll send speedy mail wishes your way so you get your presents in time! how terrible!
You hat looks awesome though, such a great mix of colors. :)
The hat looks great! I love that new yarn you are spinning up! The shades of green are great.
I lvoe the little socks too!
I love the hat! The colors are gorgeous, and what kind of roving are you spinning? It's sparkly!
Cute hat!
And congrats on Navajo plying clicking for you! I knew it would. (because you're so good at fiberwork, how could it not?) Stupid learning curves though.
If you wear your beautiful new hat, your brain won't freeze! :)
Cute socks too!
Very cute hat! Those stocking key chains make perfect Christmas Tree ornaments :)
gorgeous hat!
and the sockies
the comment about Canada Post explains where my many packages are. not nice. Of course I could stop shopping online... or buy local. Must resist.
What fun! Lurv the colour of the hat, lurv the pattern of the hat, lurv the shiny spinning.
Ja, ja, die Post ist schon ein Fall für sich. Mal dauert es ewig und dann wieder legen sie den Turbogang ein. Deine Mütze sieht Klasse aus, mir gefallen die Farbverläufe. Und das gesponnene Garn wird super, mag die Farbe sehr.
Bummer about the post office back log.
I love the hat and the glitter roving is awesome.
I always love looking a the pictures in your blog--you have such an eye for color and you do such beautiful work.
Love the hat! Mind if I ask about where you got the pattern? I would love to make one! Thanks for sharing!
Really cute handspun Noro hat, and those mini-sock ornaments are adorable! Sorry to hear the post office is so slow...
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