I've got not a lot to talk about or show you. I finished the Goblin Eyes mittens. I've tried to do something nice with the cuff, but the pattern doesn't show with the color changes. Could have done just plain K1, P1. They are made with my handspun yarn (Romney fiber). Not my favorite, rather on the bottom of my list of fibers I'd like to work with again. But - I like the opportunity to try out new fibers through the Spunky Eclectic Fiber of the Month Club. I had to use 2.75mm needles, to get a decent knitted fabric, could have used smaller needles still, but I'd ripped the mittens once before, and didn't want to do them over again. So after I finished knitting, I gave them a vigorous bath, with rubbing and scrubbing to felt them a little. Enough said about them.

Since I don't feel very chatty today, I let others speak for me. First though have a look at Claudia's
knitting journal. Isn't it gorgeous? That made me photograph mine as well:

It's a little spiral note book, which I started March 2006. I have to use a rubber band to hold it together, because at one point I started collecting ball bands of the yarns I used, mainly so I could write down the info for each project. There are some note sheets to my free patterns as well. It's bulging out of its seams. I used to take real crappy notes, not helpful at all. Now I'm a little better about it. One thing's for sure, as soon as this one's full, I'm going to get me a real nice one, but I think it will hold another one or two years worth of knitting projects, I'm only halfway through. :o)
And now for the entertaining part. Tracy, please forgive me for linking to your yesterday's post, but it's funny and I'd like to share it: If you like to read the Yarn Harlot's blog posts, you'll get a laugh out of this one too:
Tracy and her knitting in public.
Have a good one!
Hey there Monika! Nice knitting journal! I used to have one but abandoned it a while ago... I am just too disorganized I think is what it boils down to. I must get back into the habit and cataloging all my projects again. I just wanted to let you know that I am almost done a pair of your Kyla fingerless gloves. I am in love with them... I am using up a skein of Koigu from my stash. It is pretty multi-coloured so you can't really see the pattern but I love them! They will be perfect for driving in the cold weather.
Believe it or not, I just started a knitting a journal of my own. but I'm doing it a bit differently than most...go figure. Remember that journal I made when I was doing my leather coat project? I using the same concept except the book isn't made yet. I'm creating a new sheaf of pages for each project (and the pattern and notes if I really like it) When enough are done then I will bind them....that's the plan for now at least, so far so good.
NP about the link, I obviously don't have any problem letting the world know just how crazy I actually am.
At least you take notes! I just write things down and pin them to the wall! I should probably start writing it down somewhere. The problem is I don't have a designated notebook, I usually grab what's closest and then I lose it. Otherwise I'm pretty organized. :D
I like those mittens. I think they're really pretty. :D Of course I'm in a christmasy mood right now, so greens and reds make me happy. Now, if only it worked with house work. :)
Love the mittens. I actually like the colors. I think I'd join that club once I get my wheel.
Lovely knitting journal and Claudia's too. Mine is just a plain notebook from Wal Mart. Now I want to look for something much pretty. I've thought about felting a cover for one.
I love your journal - it reminds me of a sunken treasure map! And filled with treasures it is!!! I think this post is timely as a proper knitting journal seems like a good stocking stuffer gift idea! Santas - take note out there! Nice mitts - they look very warm and cozy.
Oooh the mittens are lovely! Your handspun yarn always amazes me :)
The mittens look great!
I love the journal but I'm sucker for old maps. You're doing better than me. I really want to keep a good knitting journal, but I'm REALLY bad at it. I often don't do a gauge swatch. I forget how many stitches I cast on when I improvise, I have no idea how many straight rows I knit. Maybe it I had one as pretty as yours I'd do a better job.
Hallo Monika,
also ich hätte schwören können, die Handschuhe sind aus der Trekking XXL, Farbe 100 (die bunteste, die es da gibt und auch die typischste) - dass es selbstgesponnen ist, hätte ich nicht gedacht.
Super geworden und durch das Anfilzen sicher schön warm :)
Liebe Grüße,
What a lovely knitting journal! The best I can aspire to is scraps of paper, receipts and whatnot laying around my house. Those Goblin Eyes mittens are so pretty, and the fact that they are made with your handspun is so impressive to me, I'm in awe...
Your mittens came out great!! I love your knitting journal. My knitting notebook is just a black and white marble composition book. It works, but I don't think I'd want to show anyone ;)
happy knitting :)
Wow, I like your knitting journal! You're so organized! I just write everything directly on the pattern... Nice mittens!
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