But first, clue 3 is done on both socks. Isn't this a lovely heel? It's some kind of linen stitch, or weave stitch, I think. The other heel is a bit more green, but it would be boring to show both. Can't wait to finish these socks. I've mixed up the bamboo and metal needles on both socks, to keep them the same size (hopefully). I used to have two sets of 2.5mm Bamboo DP's, but I rarely use 2.5mm for socks, so I gave one set to my daughter. Normally I would knit one sock after the other, but since I had to wait for the next clue, I started the second sock, because I was afraid of SSS.

O.K. moving on. These last few days I spun up a storm, at least for me. Naturally it's a form of procrastination, because I have to knit some things, I don't really like to do. Or should I say, I don't like the super fine lace yarn, I like the pattern just fine. I still have time, so I'd rather do anything, even scooping dog poop was on my to do list today.

This fiber was horrible to spin. I think the fiber was felted with the dyeing process, even after hard laboured pre-drafting, it stuck and I had to use excessive force, and pull throughout the whole time. I'm going to Navajo ply this bobbin. The last attempt on Navajo plying is long enough in the past, that I don't feel the pain anymore, so I'll give it another try. The finished yarn should be a surprise, you'll see what I mean when it's done. I got the fiber (New Zealand wool) from my daughter Hannah. Thanks, sweety!

"Goblin Eyes", Romney wool, was a little easier to spin. Nothing else came to mind, than to 2-ply it. See the right bobbin? I zoned out and forgot to move the single to the next hook. It was fun though. I tried to spin a little thicker, which makes it a lot faster. I hope I'll get enough for some mittens, but am not quite sure. We'll see.

Finally - the never ending mohair/wool blend is done. 8oz worth, crammed onto three bobbins. I don't even remember how long ago I started spinning this. This will be 3-ply sock yarn. It's an ugly duckling, which will never be a swan, and only mommy can love it. Very much laboured over. Last night I plied for 3 hours, and got about 1/3 done. Help!!!
Want to know the scary part? I've got the same mohair/wool blend in a slightly different colorway (grey/lilac)! 8oz of it! But before that's going to happen, I'll spin some lovely OTHER fiber, and lots of it.
My new best friend is my tensioned Lazy Kate. Am I glad I forked over the bucks for that! It's still unfinished, as are some extra bobbins I bought. Not sure I'll get to finish them any time soon, don't like to paint, and besides, I need them already.
oh - die gesponnenen Garne sehen ja wunderschön aus - ganz tolle Farben...
liebe Grüsse - Manuela
Wow, lots of spinning around :) just so you won't have to knit the lace. Maybe you should go down a needle size and see if it's more fun to knit? I have a really fine Merino too that I'm looking forward to wearing one day, but not looking forward to knitting it either. Knit Picks lace yarn is just fine for me.
*I* like your three ply sock yarn! That's a lot of spinning and three hours to ply and you're not finished? Whew! Hats off to ya!
Wow..it must be pretty bad if it's poo before knitting. Or should I say sh!t before sheep :D.
All that beautiful wool. I'm still waiting to hear back from that woman about the spinning wheel. I think she might have forgotten about it. Looking at all your nicely spun wool is making me jealous and craving some handspun yarn.
Love that stitch - looks like a good warm one for a scarf!
What a good idea to mix the needles up - that was a creative fix! The yarn is so pretty and soft - I *covet* your socks :)
The spinning is just beautiful.
Ahhhh...ich beneide Dich echt mit Deinen Handgesponnennen! Ich brauche wirklich bald ein Rad. :-p Naja, eigentlich sind heute 2 Handspindeln mit der Post bei mir angekommen. Also wird's wohl noch a bisserl dauern bis ich für ein Rad sparen kann. :-p
I'm really enjoying the progress on your socks, very fun.
I love that heel!
Yummy spinning too!
Oh, nice heel stitch. As always I enjoyed seeing all your spinning.
Spinning Godness HERE~~~
Socks comign along REALLY GREAT!! Lovely~~
Visit my knitting blog.. see what you think and comment me!
You certainly have been busy spinning all that beautiful hand spun yarn. Can't wait to see what that yarn will turn into.
happy knitting :)
Was für schönes selbstgesponnenes Garn!! Und die Farben gefallen mir shr gut. Bin schon gespannt, was Du daraus zauberst.
Eigentlich mag ich die Farbe gelb nicht so sehr, aber Deine neuen Socken sehen super aus. Mir gefällt das Muster.
Very pretty heel on that sock. I love all those beautiful handspuns! (how annoying about the pre-felted fiber, though...)
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