The last few days I've been spinning, and plying, and spinning some more. Here's what 4oz of FatCatKnits (etsy) "Find Jay" looks like, 2-plied (416yds):
100% combed, handpainted Merino
This yarn is so soft, and squishy, it bounces right back into shape whatever you do with it! I love it! The colores are a little boring, but I can live with that. I wish I could knit up all my handspun yarn as soon as it's dry. But alas, it has to go into my handspun stash for later.
Now we come to that title of this post :"I think she's got it!" is a quote from "My Fair Lady" (1964). I love the movie, watched it many times, but haven't in a long time. But as soon as it clicked in my head, I thought of this line. What clicked? Navajo plying!!!! Can you believe it? Manuela sent me this link with two videos of someone navajo plying, and watching her, how she's holding the yarn, it suddenly clicked and I knew I could do it. It's weird, really, because I saw several other videos, and some pictures, good ones too, and I had so much trouble with all that's going on with navajo plying.
edited: I forgot to take a picture of this mini skein; just a couple of yds from left over singles from the "Find Jay" yarn. I used it to try navajo plying before I did the following. It looks a little different, of course, but it encouraged me to keep going.

So, as soon as I knew it's not that hard, I decided on the roving for my hat. As you know the last time I produced a rather loopy, knobby, hard, overtwisted yarn with this method, and still I cast on for a hat, and promptly ran out of yarn. I had to make some more, and here it is:

The colors are far from boring! Love, Love, love them all - congratulations on getting the hang of navajo plying! BTW, as soon as I read the title I knew what you were referring too! Love that movie :)
Beautiful yarns! pardon me for drooling a little... :D
Love the Find Jay colorway, it should be very pretty knit up.
Navajo plying really is so much fun once you have that moment when you "get it"
Hallo Monika
super dass es geklappt hat, da warst Du erfolgreicher als ich - ich hab dn Dreh noch nicht raus - leider. Ich bekomme auch immer wieder so was wie ne Schlaufe beim Verzwirnten, vermutlich lasse ich zu spät los.....
Ganz tolle Wolle, die Du da fabriziert hast - riesen Kompliment!
Isn't it a great feeling when everthing finally clicks into place like that?
The yarn is looking better and better all the time!
Ah, you are getting so good at this. I envy your spinning ability. The hat is coming along nicely, too. I think when I made it I cast on 10 less stitches or something. It was still "roomy" but wearable.
Beautiful :) I love the color and it's not boring at all. You should be very proud of yourself. Nice work :)
Now, that's some fantastic spinning!
I agree, I don't think those colours are boring at all, all those peaches and pinks... :^)
Congrats on 'getting it'!
by George she's got it! The yarn certainly does look beautiful! Another thing I'd like to try...
it looks great! I'm glad you got it figured out so you can enjoy it!
I found you through the Spunky Club blog and just wanted to say your spinning is beautiful! I'm just learning how to spin so blogs like yours are really inspirational. Thanks for the links on Navajo plying - I'm not quite up to that level yet I don't think but when I am they will be very helpful.
The movie I used to watch a lot was "that touch of mink". I don't know why, it just made me smile every time I watched it. Navajo plying is really fun. Although, I noticed it uses a LOT of yarn to make a decent skein. Of course, I did it on a drop spindle, so I really can't say. I'm looking forward to a spinning wheel. I feel like I'm missing out on something by not having it.
The hat is great! I love the colors. I would wear that one with pride! Your spinning is gorgeous! I always love coming to your blog and seeing yarn I can't fondle. Bittersweet I spose. :D
I just love, love, love your spinning!! It shows that you're loving it too. :o)
That is soooo cool the Navajo plying clicked for you. Isn't that a great feeling?
Ich mag die Farben von Deiner neuen gesponnenen Wolle, sehr schöne Farbverläufe. Da wird das Stricken bestimmt nicht langweilig.
these yarns are beautiful.
Everlasting Gobstopper yarn! Way cool. And congratualtions on mastering a new skill!
Beautiful Navajo plying!
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