
For the last week and a half I've been knitting socks, in different sizes, with different yarns and needle sizes, to figure out the best combo to write up a pattern. I was very excited and motivated. I hope you like the outcome! I do. I like the third and last sock best. It's made with Trekking XXL color # 100. I've had this yarn in my stash almost a year now, waiting for the perfect pattern, and wouldn't you know it, I think this is it! With this pattern, you don't have to worry about, how the color and stitch pattern go together and even if the mate is identical or not. It doesn't matter, well not to me. They are close enough and I LOVE Trekking XXL with all it's colores!

Here's my darling Trekking sock. Isn't he gorgeous?! I've got the toe part for the second sock done. I've cast on as soon as the needles were empty, so I don't get any ideas of not finishing this pair. No worries though, I really really want them.

Close up of the jojo heel. I've included the instructions and the web link to the instructions on the Lana Grossa website. I've asked for their permission just in case, and got it today.

Here you can have a closer look of the toe part. I always make Judy Becker's magic cast on. It's very fiddly the first couple of rounds, but well worth it. I think.
The slip stitch pattern on top of the foot blocked out really well. At first it pulls together, but no worries. These socks are quite warm, with all the garter stitch and cushy. I like when the decreases on the mitered squares make those ridges, I think it gives some texture. Of course, if you don't like them so prominent, you can always decrease a different way. Your prerogative!
I'm still thinking about what to do next. Of course there are still two mates to be knit. I still have two blankets, which I haven't even glanced at, to finish. I don't want to do lace exactly. I want to do something, but what? Something very different and exciting. What will it be?
Now, if you would like to give the Smoking Hot socks a try, I've put a link on the side bar with my email or you find it with my profile. Just let me know, that you want it and I'll send the Word file to you. Have fun! Keep warm! Knit, knit, knit! ;o)
Hi Monika,
I also really like the trekking yarn, have a pair of socks in the same colorway plus 2 more balls of the same yarn, just bought last week at the going out of business sale of my favorite LYS - very sad!
I do like your pattern and would love to have it -
no rush, I am leaving for Austria tomorrow, Ingrid
WOW those socks are great! I'd also love to try your pattern out! I have no idea of how to put patterns into PDF form. I just started a second blog to post my patterns on! Great job!!!
;>) Missy
Oh oh Please may I have the pattern? i Love them! my email is (a very quiet part of the socknitters list)
These socks are simply gorgeous! You're right....that is absolutely the perfect yarn for this pattern! I think these are possibly beyond my abilities but I love knitting socks and I know I will get to them eventually, so would you be so kind as to email the pattern?
I came by via the sock Knitters list and want to say I think your socks are wonderful. Good job! :)
Love the sock pattern. I believe that you are going to need someone who has a full version of Adobe Acrobat to create a .pdf but I'm not 100% sure. I may be able to get it put into a .pdf file if you still need it done.
Oh, I want it! That's a cute pattern. No clue how to put it on your computer in Word though.
Yay!! I want it!!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh, those are super, super cute! If I ever get any confidence in my sock making skills, I am definitely going to make them.
Fffffffaaaaantastic! I would love to try the pattern for my big ol' feets!
A really nice pattern indeed, I would dearly love to have it. Funniely enough I just happen to have some sock yarn in my stash...
my Email is meremptah at gmx dot net.
CHeers and greetings from Aberdeen,
Monika -
These are really awesome socks!
I would love to get a copy of the pattern.
Also, there are some free programs for creating pdf documents that work well.
If you google for the following you should get results:
VeryPDF (this will convert text files to pdf in the free version)
I have been using all three for testing something for my needs and they all have their benefits and are worthy of a look.
Sue S
Allentown, PA
sms at enter dot net
hallo monika
grundsätzlich finde ich, dass du wunderbar strickst - so kreativ.
dein drittes sockenpaar gefällt mir auch am besten.die farbe harmoniert ganz besonders mit dem muster.
bitte schick mir auch die anleitung. ich werde mich notgedrungen mit einer englischen anleitung befassen.
lg aus dem schneelosen graz
da ist ja eine schöner als die andere! vor toe-up hab ich mich ja lang gedrückt, aber jetzt gibt es keine entschuligung mehr, die muss ich ausprobieren
liebe grüße
WOW Monika - they are beautiful and so unique!! The sock done in Trekking is also my favorite...such great colors.
Wow, what lovely socks! I would love to have the pattern, if you wouldn't mind sending it to me. I could turn it into a PDF for you, if you'd like, too.
(also, hello! I've been lurking on your blog for awhile but have been too shy to comment until now.)
Mercedes: Hallo, du bis taus GRAZ!!!? Meine Schwester lebt auch dort.
Ich brauche deine email address um dir die Anleitung schicken zu koennen! ;o)
Also, if you just want to create PDF files (not edit them), there are some great free programs out there. I use PDF Redirect -- super easy.
I would love to have a copy of your pattern. My email is
they are gorgeous, wonderful job. I'd love the pattern please
Monika, I would love to have the pattern. Please email it to me.
As for putting the pattern on your blog, you should be able to save a Word document as .rtf, which is supposed to work on all platforms.
I have Acrobat Reader, not the full Adobe Acrobat, but my printer allows me the option of saving any document as .pdf -- I find the button for that in "output options", I think.
Kate: I'd love to send you the sock pattern. But need your email address!
you are very talented.. Hope you will do more... I would love to have a copy of the pattern..
could you send to to me at
am I whinning enough PLEASE.....
Great pattern Monika! Hopefully some day I'll be worthy of knitting such wonderful socks :) I would love to have the pattern, but it might be a while before I'm ready though....
happy knitting :)
*Love* the socks. If you still need help converting a WORD document to a PDF, drop me a note and I'd be happy to do this for you.
pixie AT hobocare DOT com
Wonderful Socks! I too love the pattern in trekking! They are beautiful!
Hi, Monika,
Your socks are great. I would love the pattern.
Hey, Deine Socken sind echt Klasse geworden!!! Mir gefällt vor allem das Trekkinggarn. Hat einen schönen Farbverlauf. Das Muster für den Fuß gefällt mir sehr gut. Jetzt weiß ich, wie meine nächsten Socken aussehen werden.
Those socks are really neat. They look like a lot of work.
If your husband is back in Europe, he must be doing better. Hope so.
Must. Learn. To. Knit. Socks. because these are awesome!!
I love all of them! Those socks are truly smokin'!
Absolutely fantastic mitered square pattern. I have been hooked on all things mitered for a bit and would love this pattern. Thanks, Jill wertherian
Beautiful pattern! oww... I want it. My email is Deliya
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