With the left over yarn from David's hat and scarf and this vest, I made these mittens last night. I like doing the I-cord and will probably use it quite often from now on. At first I thought I would do a more interesting two color pattern, but I need them now and not some time down the road. It was snowing today, and raining and there was a storm in between.
I had to retrieve the lid of our yard waste container. I was wandering up and down the road looking for it, the storm blowing (and giving me a face lift for free) until I found it under the car of one of our neighbors a few houses down the road. Anyway, I'm happy I have warm nice mittens now, which will felt for sure (and that is just fine). Now, I'm going to make myself a hat with these colors, not sure what though. I'm not going to start it tonight.
For Leslie: Since your comment was anonymous and I don't know how to get in touch with you, I'll insert the link for the free pattern here: scarf . But you can easily find it on the side bar, scroll down and there will be Free Patterns in orange and click the Free Patterns underneath. They are not listed seperately. Anyway, have fun knitting!
From looking at the vest I can't tell where the twist is. Is it at the back or around the arms? Brave moove doing a moebius vest! I did a small caplet and found it challenging!
Your Moebius Vest is just beautiful! I love Elizabeth Zimmermann's books...very practical knitting!
Happy Knitting :)
Ok, I get it now!
Hallo Monika,
die Weste sieht perfekt aus - so gleichmässig gearbeitet-besonders die Kante! Das Grün gefällt mir sehr gut. Leider kenne ich das Buch nicht und kann mir den Moebius-Effekt garnicht vorstellen. Ich kenn nur diesen Moebius-Schal. Gibt´s vielleich irgendwo ein von-hinten-Bild damit ich nicht unwissend sterben muss?
LG Heike
"Knitting Around" is the only EZ book that I don't have so I'm not certain how your vest was made, but it is beautiful! She sure came up with some amazing ideas.
Also - a month for all that garter doesn't sound like that long to me!
Hallo Monika - das ist ja eine super tolle Weste - gratuliere - würde mir auch gefallen :-))
Liebe Grüsse Manuela
Oh, I love that vest! The buttons match it perfectly! Those mittens look great too; you made them in only one night? Wow!
That is great. It runed out wonderful! What a neat idea.
Hey Monika - don't feel too bad - the i-cord edging that I'm doing on my cardigan was knitted on while knitting, not applied after - and it pulls up too...
Love the scarf pattern - shame that the yarn wasn't what you had hoped. I'm definitely going to make one of those chevron scarves with some of my handspun though - it's going to be gorgeous. Keep an eye out on my blog!
I don't understand the meobeius aspect either, but it's a darn cute vest! I love the buttonhole I cord loops.
Gosh - once more you've been so busy knitting! This vest is highly amazing, very beautiful indeed and it looks every bit as cozy and comfy as you decribe it. I love the Edelweiss-buttons that you added, they give it a very special and unique touch. Great work - and the mitts are pretty too!
Hallo Monika vielen dank für deinen Besuch in meinem blog. Du strickst ja auch sehr schöne sachen wie ich so beim schauen in deinem blog gesehn habe. Ganz super tolle sachen. Lg Marlies
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