Today I was feeling restless and didn't know why. A few hours ago my throat started to hurt and now I know why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Do you know a cure for sore throat? I do, but it's not for the faint of heart (and working people, I mean people who work outside the house with other people in close proximity). My miracle cure is - garlic! Freshly crushed on a piece of bread, several times a day, as much garlic as you can stand, and believe me it brings tears in your eyes, it's that hot! All the lozenges and teas wont help me at all. I've tried it all and over the years I've come to this garlic cure. I used to have sore throats twice a year, where I had to go see the doctor for some medicine, not anymore! Well, I'm keeping my mouth closed and my distance to people, and the dogs don't mind. ;o)

With the Flow Motion socks # 2 done I had some leftover yarn and made this cap. Shortly before it was finished my vacuum had a bite out of it. It took only a second because I didn't count on the suction power of a new bag.

With the Flow Motion socks # 2 done I had some leftover yarn and made this cap. Shortly before it was finished my vacuum had a bite out of it. It took only a second because I didn't count on the suction power of a new bag.
There's also other knitting going on, but I didn't want to show you the Moebius vest (Elizabeth Zimmermann pattern) because every time I shared a progress picture with you guys, I had to rip it out again. So this time (since it's for myself) it gets done and then you'll see it. It gives me headache anyway and I've put it aside today to start another - scarf - what else?
For posting a picture of my Artyarns Cashmere5 scarf on the multidirctional yahoo group I've got a free pattern from Iris. It's a neck warmer, very cute pattern and I had some Silk Rhapsody left over. So, I'm halfway through, just taking a break right now. I would be happy if it were done already and around my neck/throat. Wow, can you smell it? I just had a little bite of my garlic bread, hot, hot, hot. But it helps. ;o)
hope david feels better soon! and you! the garlic cure sounds very good to me, however i don't think my students or colleagues would appreciate the olfactory "fall-out".nice hat for david. nice cable hat.
after your rhapsodies about the flow-motion socks, i went and bought myself the Vogue Knitting Mag. only to discover that the pattern is all in WORDS.*(^%$@~!*&*
i don't do words anymore, although i love the socks.
maybe i will plunge later on.
I really like the cabled hat, did you use a pattern or make your own?
Good work Monika - sorry you're not feeling well!
My secret cure is ginger root... Take a fresh ginger root (you can find it in the produce sections of most grocery stores these days). Chop it up - don't worry about peeling it or anything. Put in a saucepan with a lot of water, bring up to a boil, and then let simmer. You can just keep adding water to it as the day goes on, and as you pour your "medicine" out.
You can add cloves - allspice - nutmeg... whatever. I don't think garlic would be very nice though ;-)
I strain mine out into a cup and add lemon and honey - you can feel it working - I'm not kidding!
Hope you feel better soon!
Those hats are lovely!
Sorry about the throat; I also find the ginger/honey thing works, and also, when I feel it coming on, I gargle with salt and warm water.
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