It's been overcast all day, with rain showers on and off. It's very humid, and everything is sticky. Between rain showers the pups had some fun on the deck. We put up the dog bed we bought some time ago, which they really like. It's for outside use and can get wet. Of course they have to fight over it, before they can get both comfortable on it.
I even have some knitting to show! Back in May I've knit this pair of cotton socks. I started a different pattern, and soon realized I would never finish them that way. I didn't want to rip the cuff out, so I just did my own thing. I realized also that I dislike knitting with cotton yarn. I hated every single stitch of these socks, but I needed at least one pair of cotton socks to wear with my walking shoes, old and new.
Well, I better get the pups out before the next rain shower. At least it's good for our lawn, and new shrubs, and trees.
Now you're getting the weather that we've had lately just as ours is starting to dry up. My sympathies.
I hate knitting with cotton too. It hurts my hands.
I don't like knitting with cotton either - but they are nice looking socks!
I hate cotton too, but feel like it must be done ;)
love the bed. wonder if my guys would use one too? hhmmmm
I love to see the boys playing together! I'm so glad that they're such good friends.
are they still stinky??
I've wanted to try one of those beds for Molly as she's a little stiff getting off the pillow.
I love Denny's little speckled legs and tail that looks like its been dipped in paint. They sure do love to wrestle.
Know what you mean about cotton yarn. You have to almost push it across the needles and it has no give. I do really like that sock pattern, though. Does Happy ever take a bad picture? He's very photogenic!
I remember knitting one pair of cotton socks. I also hated making them, but always loved wearing them. Never did another pair though....
Denny is getting Soooo big!
What great photos of Happy and Denny. Denny has really grown, and Happy is looking so handsome!! They are such funny pups but I am glad they like to share their bed!!
Cute socks, I am not enamoured of knitting with cotton either!!!
Meine Guete, Denny waechst ja rasend schnell! Bist Du sicher, dass das nicht der Wolf aus dem Maerchen mit den sieben Geisslein ist mit seiner weissen Pfote???
Liebe Gruesse
von Birgit
The cotton socks are cute! Were they tough on your hands to knit? I find that cotton rips my poor hands up, and I'd be afraid to try something like socks with it...
Love the socks! And there's nothing like a rousing game of "bite yer face off" to blow off steam for a pair of doggies. :-)
I can't get over how big Denny is getting! He has beautiful markings ~ and I love to seeing them lying nicely together :)
I love your new socks ~ perfect for Summer! I do agree with you that cotton is hard to knit and whenever a finish a cotton project I think to myself, that's the last time for a long time - LOL
your dogs are so cute!
Your doggies remind me of my brothers when they were younger. It's funny now ... not so much then.
Your socks are lovely! And they didn't end up in the WIP pile. Yay!
I don't think I've knit cotton socks before and I have a feeling I wouldn't like to. Yours look very nice. At least the pups eventually settle in together.
Wow! That outdoor-dogbed looks great! Do you remember the name? I can`t seem to find something like that anywhere... Thanks! =)
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