Yesterday, Saturday was a horrible day, full of dragging, packing, schlepping old furniture out to the bin etc. It was hot, dusty, sweaty work. More of it later today, but just wet, and muddy.
The pups are getting annoyed of being in their crate so much. The backyard is still a no go for at least a week I think. We'll walk them more, but it's just more stress right now.
Last Friday I've got this wonderful bag from Mia. We did a trade. Some of my handspun yarn for her gorgeous Blues Bag. It's very sturdy, and I have to smile every time I look at it. She's got more of them, in different colors in her Etsy shop. I feel very lucky that she agreed to do a trade.
Look at the lovely details!
I think the pups are planning mutiny! Doesn't look good for me!
Did I mention the washing machine broke down on Friday? So there will be the deck guys working out back, the window guys in the house, and at some point there will be a service guy who hopefully will revive the washing machine. Sigh.
Not just the pups are stressed about all this disruption of their daily routine.
Wow! That bag is very pretty!
Also ich würde sagen, Du kannst Dich momentan nur hinsetzen und stricken... wenn das Haus eh im Chaos versinkt und so ganz ohne Waschmaschine... Du kannst gar nix anderes tun :).
Schöne Tasche hast Du da getauscht.
Liebe Grüsse
ugggg What an upheaval! I hope they are fast workers!
They do look like they are cooking up some evil plan hheheh maybe they are just deciding on what game to play when they get back in the yard :)
If it's not one thing it's another.
Absolutely gorgeous bag!!
I reckon those pups are definitely planning something!!
Hope everything goes right now!!
I feel your pain. Last year's kitchen expansion was supposed to take from the end of May until the beginning of August. We actually got the contractors out of our house in October & it took my husband months more to finish the job. That left us with mud slicks from the destroyed grass. Landscapers just finished and some of the grass is coming back now. It takes a long time to forget the stress and inconvenience!
Hope things go as well as they can. The boys do look like they are plotting, neither seem too devious though, so I doubt you have much to worry about. :)
The bag is quite lovely!
EEEEK what a lot you have going on! I totally understand about the pups being upset with the work. We had only two guys in doing the bathroom work and my dog was very upset about all the crate time and the back and forth.
I would check the Rico Statutes (laws against criminal conspiracy). It looks like you might have some conspiring going on here.
I feel for you on the repairs. Just remember - this too shall pass.
Love your new bag!
I must say I love your blog, and the pups, well how can you not love them. I have 5 four legged (cats) and they can be very humorous!.
The bag is beautiful!
I hope everything settles down soon. I totally get the whole disruption of the normal routine thing. It sucks.
That is such a lovely bag. I hope the work outside goes fast for you all so you can get back to normal.
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