I first saw the Queen Anne's Lace shawl in the making at Chawne's flickr photostream. (She's a very prolific knitter, and spinner, and I love to look at her daily pictures). She provided the link to a yahoo group, where you can get the pattern. It's here. A very relaxed and friendly yahoo group so far, the first I feel totally comfortable being in. I'm planning on knitting more of MMario's designs, but don't want to rush things. I haven't knit on the QAL shawl in a couple of days, for various reasons, but will resume doing so soon.
So, back to work now, and I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
What a teaser photo! Have a great weekend
You weren't kidding about her being a prolific and amazing knitter! You QAL shawl is going to be stunning.
Wow, very nice shawl. It only makes me more interested to see how yours looks when down. I hope you have a great weekend to.
I definitely need to make one of these for me! I'm looking forward to seeing how the colors in yours look in the overall design.
Beautiful! Have a great weekend!
That pattern looks great. I am very curious how the one you are making turns out!
QAL shawl is awesome!!!!
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