Before everybody rolls their eyes, let me tell you that this will be the last time, I mention these socks, I promise!
These three bobbins full of singles, turned into these ...
close up of toe
It still puzzles me, how the finished yarn looks like all knit up. I don't think I'll ever be able to imagine the yarn right, when I choose the fiber and how I'll put it together. And there's always another surprise from finished yarn, to knit fabric. It was raining today, I didn't get good light for the pictures, and the pictures with flash didn't show the colores right. The toe picture is quite good, colorwise.
A rainy day is soooo boring, not only to us! It's rare to find them both on the plateau at the same time.

needles: 5 DP, 4mm
method: toe-up, cast on with Judy's magic cast on, worked with 44 stitches, reverse heel with heel flap, ribbed leg, and rolled edge
size and destination: 10 1/4", my feet
start-finish: April 29-30
These socks are thick, warm, and feel great on my feet! And boy, knitting socks with 4mm needles goes fast! I needn't have worried about the yardage, I had plenty left over.
Thanks for your comments on my last post! I'll take the advise and felt the second mitten on purpose, and will have the pleasure of knitting another pair of mittens for DH. And, Unibiko (hehe) likes to chew on the antler piece, and she throws it into the air, and generally plays with it. Sam's always hiding his, and gets very annoyed, when Biko finds it. I wish the pieces were a little larger though.
What's on my needles these days?
1. tapestry crochet bag (just begun yesterday afternoon)
2. Sockamania Club May 2008 "Celebration socks" (cast on last night)
3. Double Knit scarf (a few rows each day)
4. Elses shawl (a few rows now and again)
Woa, that's almost overwhelming to me. I better get to it and finish some WIP's.
I finished designing, and knitting a scarf for a charity. I'll let you know more, once it's dry and I have some pictures. The pattern is finished. Angelika has only a few more rows to knit on the Mohana shawl. Once she'll be done, it will take me a day to revise the pattern , and I'll post it soon after! :o)

Have a nice weekend!
Your handpun socks are gorgeous - I want to knit a pair now! :)
Hey Awesome, they look like Trekking socks !!! you made designer yarn!
As far as I'm concerned, you can show those socks all you want, I LOVE them!
I love the socks! It's too bad there's not some way to show off all those interesting little flecks and changes of colors you can see in the close-ups--but they're still wonderful from a distance, where the eye blends the colors into something rich and warm.
And Sam and Biko look sooooooo comfy. :)
They are fabulous! Love the way they look on the bobbin, while spinning and in the finished product.
I love the socks. They look very comfy. It makes me want to go and spin up three different bobbins and see what I get. Very nice.
MaybeBiko can be a unicorn for Halloween this year. yhey both look so peacul lying there.
Those handspun socks are amazing looking.
Beautiful socks!! I love the colors of the yarn.
Poor dogs, it is no fun if it is raining all day long.
We have very nice weather at the moment: sun and blue sky.
Those socks kick butt!! They looks so smooshy and comfy! Thanks for sharing your results.
The finished yarn and socks look like something from The Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook. I'm going to be dyeing with a couple of friends tomorrow and I think I'll give your idea a try. Thanks for sharing~
OH I love that yarn ,,,have a good day, Judy ~~~
Spinning them together muted those colors quite a bit, didn't it. Oh, and how long did it take you for the picot edge?
That must be fun not knowing exactly how your spun yarn will knit up...a very nice surprise :)
I'm right with you on not yet being able to imagine how a roving will knit up. Those socks look so cozy. I love seeing your sleepy dogs together. So they don't cuddle together?
It is amazing when you look at the yarn and then the finished product. I'm terrible at visualizing how things like that end up. Your socks look really nice!
Love those socks! They are beautiful.
Wow! 4 projects going at one time. That's great! Of course you know how many I usually have going at one time - too many...
The socks came out really well! It's always surprising to me how a skein of yarn knits up.
Your Mohana shawl is really pretty! I was admiring it at Angelika's.
Such cute puppies.
Your new socks are beautiful, and they do knit up so quickly: I am always amazed you can make a whole sock in one day!!!!
Poor Biko and Sam, trapped inside. Peri likes to be out in the rain: that is worse, because she wants to be with you and also on the bed!!!
The socks are beautiful!
Those are a pair of socks you will love and remember forever!! It's amazing what fiber turns itself into, isn't it? We work with it but it really has a destiny all it's own and we just help it along. They are really really beautiful!!
the socks are truly wonderful! i love how the yarn knit up!!
The sock/spinning project is very interesting. I really don't understand how the three different colored spools all blended and one color stood out sometimes to make a stripe and the others took the backseat, then others took their turn. Spinning is such an interesting thing. This is not boring at all. Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic socks! The colors are like you see on an impressionist painting!
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