Many have guessed wrong that this is some Trekking yarn. I too think it looks like it, but Trekking has some nylon in it and is superwash.
needle: 5 DP 2.25mm (I can not knit with 4 DP, that feels too akward too me)
size: women 10 1/4
patter: Anni Design for Sockamania Club KAL - August
modifications: I used smaller needles, I cast on more stitches for the cuff, decreased back to the 66 sts called for in the pattern. Made the heel flap shorter, so I had to pick up less sts for the gusset. Decreased down to 30 sts for the sole part. All that to fit my foot better. It would have been too wide otherwise.
modifications: I used smaller needles, I cast on more stitches for the cuff, decreased back to the 66 sts called for in the pattern. Made the heel flap shorter, so I had to pick up less sts for the gusset. Decreased down to 30 sts for the sole part. All that to fit my foot better. It would have been too wide otherwise.

Now that's an excellent example on how a project gets NOT done, when working on other projects. I haven't touched my sweater in a couple of weeks now! So how should it get done in time for fall? Well, I don't have anything else on the needles right now, so I will pick it up again and knit some more. Then again, as soon as Cat Bordhi's new sock book arrives, I'll drop everything in my hands and cast on for another pair of socks! And also, I'd like to spin, spin, spin, never stop! And that gets in the way of knitting. But this time I'm working on a 3-ply with some roving I dyed a while ago. But there's no rush to finish in a hurry!

The grass is no longer green. It's hellish hot and uncomfortable here, but I don't want to complain too much, did that already. Biko is fixated on the tennis ball, as usual.
Next day:

This was last night. Today I kitchenered the second toe shut and washed and blocked them. They were dry in a jiffy, considering that it has 30 C outside. They were still warm when I put them on.

I liked this pattern, simple but effective.
And now back to my sweater. Nothing else on my needles right now. ;o)
I think the socks are very cute and I love the pattern!
Very nice! Love your Jojoland spiral socks, Monika. So very pretty.
The yarn is gorgeous...and the pattern suits it and shows off the colours really well!
ohhh I love that orange too! To bad there wasn't more of it in the other sock. They have a nice solid orange on their site yummmmmmmm!!!
The socks look great and the dogs are too cute!
I like the socks. You can definately tell they are mates, not just because of the pattern. I like how that spirals in two different directions. Gotta try that one. I'm such a follower.
I like them very much! What I wouldn't give to just have one thing on the needles...
GREAT looking socks, love the colorway!
Beautiful colors! Nice pattern for that yarn.
That is some pretty yarn and works beautifully with the spiral pattern. That's my next book too. I have a gift certificate to amazon, but they say it's a 2-4 week wait...I may cave and buy it right from Knitter's Bookshelf.
ugh..I love the socks! I like these much better than the traditional variegated socks.
Oh my, I love those socks! I have some Jojoland in my stash in blues that I must start even though I have too many socks on the go already.
I like the orange cuff and toe. But then again, I like orange.
Biko and Sam are so cute! Play ball!
Those are beautiful! I love the progressive color. I am working on some spinning too. electric blue! I love it!
Hallo Monika,
die Socken gefallen mir sehr gut. Das Muster ist schön - einfach, aber sehr wirkungsvoll mit dem bunten Garn zusammen. Hoffentlich bleiben die Socken lange so toll aus der "Melody"
Ich schicke euch mal ein bisschen Regen rüber....
Viele Grüsse von Heike
Biko and Timber are two like minded dogs. Timber, too is fixated with tennis balls. He literally drools to get his chops on one. Those socks are way to cool. I love the twist of the spirals, very interesting.
Off to get some JoJo tunes. They are spectacular!
Those socks really turned out nicely! All your modifications resulted in a fab fit. I'm only just starting the heel on the first sock - but it goes more quickly than the last pattern. Maybe I'll finish this one on time! Can't wait to see progress on your sweater.
What wonderful socks! I really like that yarn. (I'll be checking out that link as soon as I finish this comment.)
The photo looking inside the sock is really beautiful.
I stopped by to see what yarn you used on your spiralling socks, I loved the colors! I'll have to get some of that, I have some of their laceweight in the colorchanging. Awesome stuff!
They look great!
Wow, the colours are amasing! Great job!
Hallo Monika,
die sehen ja toll aus! Das Garn ist wunderschön!! Ich mag solche Farbverläufe wahnsinnig gern und die Farben von dieser sind so warm. Das Muster ist auch schön. Werde ich mir mal für meine nächsten Socken merken, vielleicht von meiner Wollmeisen-Wolle.
Bis bald und liebe Grüße
As always beautiful socks, Monika!
By the way did you notice that ALL our PDF pattern files were deleted?? Mine and yours. Now I know people have been regularly downloading mine and I bet the same with yours. Now where to put the PDF's? I have a feeling that it was some kind of glitch, but think I'll try some place different this time!
happy knitting :)
Oh, I love those socks Monika. Very soothing how the striping goes. I would find it very peaceful looking at my feet if I was wearing them :-)
Gorgeous socks. And gorgeous dogs (as always)!unswithneedles.wordp
Biko fixated by her tennis ball looks an awful lot like Timber fixated on his, just a different color.
I love the socks--I really like that spiral pattern. The colors are pretty, too.
Wow, those socks are beautiful! The colors remind me of some Monet paintings.
Thanks for your nice comment on blog re: my heart hat. You can make them any size you want. In typical Zimmerman fashion, she gives you a percentage system to figure out how to resize.
I love those socks and in particular I love that photo of the inside of the sock. I think it would look terrific blown up and put on the wall (maybe at MoMA). The colors are so soft and glow-y. Very pretty!
Very lovely!
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