Thanks to Renee, who told me about the master numbers in Cat's book, I could make these socks a "New Pathway" experience.
I had already started on the first sock, toe up, and had knit about three inches, when Renee's comment (see how important comments are? Thanks by the way for all your comments, I appreaciate them very much!) made me go over the book, and have a closer look. Sure enough, I took out my measuring tape and measured my feet. I had already the toe as a swatch, and so I could calculate all the parts I needed to know.
As I've mentioned before, I've done a couple of "Flow Motion" socks by Cat already, so I wanted to make this pair with the arch expansion as well. I was familiar with that concept. (At first, when I got the book, I fully intended to knit the sample socks).
After I've got all my numbers, I used the Upstream arch expansion on these socks, as well as the master plain heel. I saw the cuff of the "Jeweled Steps" socks, and liked that one for my socks, and I did a double stranded bind off.
All the time my handspun yarn made me think of Nature. So many different shades of green, yellow and even a little rose, mixed up in that yarn. I felt like an elf putting on these socks. Right from the start I thought I wanted to mark that nature thought with something special, so I made a leave on one of the toes. I also knew, that these socks would not be twins with the random striping (very Trekking XXL like, don't you think?). I used the feather & fan stitch on the right toe part, which doesn't show up that well at all, but I know it's there and I like it. My first sock was the leave sock, and I finished that one late at night. It looks like my creative juices run stronger when I'm starting to get tired, because instead of weaving in the ends, I braided the ends and incorporated a wooden bead, just for the fun of it! Another element of nature. I was so pleased that I ran outside and took a picture of the finished sock to send a picture to my daughter. ;o) It was totally dark outside, and I could only see the sock during the flash was on, just a split second. Anyway, I had so much fun knitting these socks, and it made me happy using my own handspun yarn.
By the way, my feet are happy to be warmed by these 100% Corriedale wool socks, no complains about scratchiness, and they are very, very warm!
I did a good dye job as well (pat myself on my shoulder), because the bath water for my socks had hardly any color in it.
I've knit the toe -foot-heel part with 2mm needles. After the heel, about an inch up, I changed to 2.25mm needles. I still can't believe that my 3-ply yarn was thin enough to knit with 2mm needles!!! ;o) This pair is women's size large, for myself of course.

These are absolutely stunning! I love them!!
Are those apples? Your socks are SOOOO pretty - I love the colors you got! And I can see the leaf!
Those are awesome socks!!! And your own handspun, too! ;-) Look how far you've come in the last few months - when you first started spinning, you were so frustrated - now you're knitting socks out of your handspun and plotting lace! Woo Hoo!
Great socks!! I'm anxious to really delve into Cat's book when socks turn out that great. Glad Sam is having fun. We are, indeed, friends of Sam (and Biko, too).
I love the shot of Sam amoung the apples with his big red ball. Classic.
The socks are amazing. I love how you shared the feelings you had when you were knitting them and all the creative details you used. I also love the bead added to the cuff - so cute. I might just add a button to my next pair!
Gorgeous socks, Monika. I love how you knit the leaf into them making them completely your own. And how they are not twins, too. Very nice.
If you want to knit socks, do it. I love seeing and hearing about what you are working on and don't find socks boring at all.
I HAVE to get that book soon! Your socks (and yarn) are fantastic!! (and please....knit as many socks as you want to!!)
Oh Monika, sind Die Socken toll! Das erinnert mich auch an Waldboden mit Moos und Blättern - ich kann´s fast riechen. Mach´Dir mal keine Sorgen - auch wenn Du nur noch Socken strickst wird das nie langweilig. Deine Socken sind immer interessant und etwas ganz besonderes. Ein bisschen sieht die Wolle unverstrickt wirklich wie die Trecking aus. Aber diese Messerei und Rechnerei ist nix für mich - jedenfalls nicht bei Socken.
Sooo viele schöne Äpfel! Und ich muss die immer kaufen gehen... Grüsse an die Hundis
Wow, großartige Farben! Und auch noch selbst gefärbt! Da kannst Du Dir wirklich verdient auf die Schulter klopfen.
Irgendwann will ich mich auch mal ins Färbe-Abenteuer stürzen ... Bis dahin bewundere ich weiter Deine schönen Fotos. :)
Your socks are beautiful. Both feet match so well...I'm very impressed :) They look so soft and cushie!
The socks are gorgeous! It's about time you made a pair for yourself! I'm glad that the book was not a disapointment. Do you make pies out of your apples? My grandmother used to make apple butter. I loved it so much. I haven't had any apple butter that good since.
Most of the others said what I wanted to say! Your socks are fabulous!!! Your hand spun yarn is my personal inspiration now! It gives me hope that I too can spin fine enough for socks (eventually)!! I really love the color too! Looking forward to seeing some more pairs! ;o)
Thanks! (CWS)
I am so excited to get to make the Kauni. I am also thinking that if I like the yarn enough, which I am sure I will, I would love to make a Vertigo with it.
That's the prettiest green combo yarn I have ever seen! Love the socks!
Another pair of beautiful socks!
Those sock are fantastic! So beautiful! (I ordered the book, and am waiting by the mail!)
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