Well, here we are, the promised pictures of Hannah and her knitted presents. She got the cardigan for her birthday, even though she was not here at the time. The blanket is going with her to University. It was sizzling hot, when we took those pictures. Can you imagine how Hannah felt with the woolen Cardigan AND the woolen blanket on her lap? Just thinking about it opens the gates, and sweat starts to flood down the neck. She's very happy with her blanky, and by now it's packed and ready for the trip to Halifax.

The Kathrine Hepburn Cardigan fits a bit loose, but when it gets colder she might want to wear more than a T-Shirt underneath it. She likes this one too. It's always a bit tricky to knit for someone else, but I let her choose the model and the yarn/color, so not much could go wrong. Both pictures don't show the pretty cherry red, but with the piercing sunshine outside even in the shade it was not possible to get it right.

Now on to newer stuff. My poor sweater is not doing too well. I have to redo the edge of the back. As I was knitting about 2 inches of the second front, I realized, that I did the neck shaping on the first front on the wrong side, so I have to rip that back and redo that as well. That sucks, and I've got the creeping feeling, that I don't like stripes very much. Humph. That's why I had to cast on for ...

... socks for my granny! They are long overdue. I don't know why I didn't think of knitting her a pair or two or three in all this time. Maybe because she's always knitting socks herself, but NOT FOR herself! Since she's not running around like a spring chicken anymore, I choose a yarn, not normally used for knitting socks. It's Baby Cashmere from elann, a blend of wool/alpaca/cashmere. It's VERY soft and a little fuzzy. I didn't know if I had enough yarn, one ball is 25g/109yds, but since she's got a smaller foot than I do, I don't think I'll run out. I'm using the Crosshatch stitch pattern from "More Sensational Knitted Socks" by Charlene Schurch. This stitch pattern was the reason I bought this book. I first fell in love with it when I saw Pat's
crosshatch lace socks. I liked her choice of yarn too, but didn't want to copy her completely! ;o) Besides I'm working on my stash. My granny likes red, but I don't have red in my stash. Think this lilac color will do?

Sorry about the bad picture, better ones coming soon! I'm done with the first sock. My first fear of not having enough yarn was put to rest. (swipe sweat of my brows) I'm suffering a little from SSS. Thinking of knitting the second sock makes me groan, even though I love to knit for Omi. Alright, I'll get over it.
Now I'm going to have some fun with my spinning wheel. It's too hot to knit. Besides, I've got to get Biko out of the pool, I swear she'll grow some fins soon!
Some rain snuck up on me! I love it!
Both the blanket and the jacket is beautiful! Good job you've done there :)
The socks will turn out beautiful too, I've been looking at that pattern to, but enden up with knitting a pair in the Scroll pattrn ;)
It looks like Hannah's blanket and sweater suit her perfectly, and if she's in Halifax during the winter, I think she'll need both.
Wow, you just amaze me--a stunning blanket, the sweater is perfect (even though I know you didn't enjoy it), and the socks are going to be way neat.
What kind of sock yarn are you looking for? Does it have to be superwash?
Gorgeous - both the blanket and the cardigan. Everytime I see the cardi done up it makes me want to cast on for it!
Same thing here. The blanket and the cardigan are great. Looks good on her. Maybe I'll give it a try. And now you are having a seal too? Seehund? :)
Schön, dass deiner Tochter die Geschenke gefallen! Jetzt musst du wirklich etwas für dich machen :)
Nach den Socken für Omi natürlich :)
Lieben Gruß,
Wow, you're so awesome! The KH cardie looks beautiful and the blanket is amazing! I didn't realize how big it was until I saw it on Hannah! You did such a great job, and I love the socks in progress for your granny.
i love the blanket and absolutely adore the sweater!!!
thank you for updating with pictures so often. it's how i get my fix these days. stash is still packed away at my friend's house...have now asked st. joseph to help us sell our house. :)
Hannah's items came out wonderful. I can see why she likes them and I'm sure she will use them a lot once the weather cools.
The socks for gran look like they will be perfect.
The blanket and the cardi are great! one lucky girl. I think the hat was a nice touch, too.
The blanket is just stunning!
What a treat to see Hannah wearing her lovely gifts! She will be so warm and cozy under your blanket it will be hard for her to get up for classes (just kidding). Great color choice for the sweater. Granny too is going to be cozy this Winter in those soft socks!
love the sock. I wanted to knit the KH sweater but like so many other projects, changed my mind.
your sweater came out beautiful and the color is pretty.
Your daughter looks beautiful. Perfect color for her skin tone and hair coloring!
You must be so proud of both projects!
Wow! The blanket is breathtaking. I can't imagine the work that has gone into it. And Hannah and her sweater are both lovely. You are super mom.
And now the lovely socks for your grandma, too.
Die Decke und die Jacke sind 'ne Wucht! Arme Hannah, sie musste soooo schwitzen für die Fotos. Bin schon gespannt auf Omi's Socken. Und Deine neuen Socken gefllen mir auch sehr gut. Schönes Muster!
Fantastic knits ! I'm totally amazed by the blanket , truly a labour of love . The sweater suits Hannah , lucky girl . I had started the crosshatch lace socks pattern in a Lorna's Laces yarn , but hated the pooling , so consequently ripped them . I think the pattern suits a solid yarn much better , great choice for Ommi socks.
Hannah looks gorgeous in her KH cardi and her blanket!
You know I both More SKS after seeing the cross hatch pattern too! Great minds think alike :)
WOW - eigentlich dürfte Hannah garnicht schwitzen, sie sieht total cool aus!! Nee - jetzt mal im Ernst: Die Jacke steht ihr suuper und die Decke ist sowieso ein Traum! Soviele Geschenke von einer lieben Mama! Jetzt muss Dein Sohn aber auch noch etwas kriegen.
Liebe Grüsse von Heike
everything looks great! I know that cardi was a pain but it's beautiful
Hannah's cardigan looks just lovely on her. A perfect fit. It's good it's a bit loose, she'll need it, if she wants to wear a turtleneck underneath when it turns very cold...I know - hard to think about that this time of year, but it WILL happen sooner or later!
happy knitting :)
The cardi and blanket are both stunning. The blanket seemed to come together so fast!
Wow, die Decke ist ja wohl der Hammer! Unglaublich schön! Die Jacke ist ja schon großartig, aber bei der Decke bleibt mir einfach die Spucke weg ...
Gorgeous blanket and sweater!
Tell her thank you for suffering in the heat with them on so that we could see them!
I'd tell you how wonderful everything is, but when I look at your pictures I can feel Heat Stroke coming on and have to close the browser window to protect my health.
That blanket is AMAZING>
really pretty sweater too.
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