Now I have a dilemma. I've got one sock on the needles, it's almost done. Can I muster the will power to finish the pair, and send it off, before diving in, and knitting myself silly with those gorgeous socks? Can I? What about my other projects? There's always some spinning going on, I've taken out the sewing machine to make another bag, my sweater? What about housework, the dogs, and all the other stuff going on around here? Oh boy, oh boy ....
edited later the same day: the first hyperventilating is over - have never done my housework so fast - being a good girl, I'm knitting my Nancy Bush socks first- dogs are almost comatose because of much running and playing - dinner is at least in my head, so will go fast, when actually has to be cooked - procrastinated everything else - evening will be for reading THE BOOK. ;o)
ohhhh enjoy I've heard good things about it so far!
Waiting to see all your new sock creations -- thanks to your wonderful new book...looks fabulous :)
I can relate to what you're saying.
Don't you just love getting the good mail?
So glad your book arrived. You got yours one day after I got mine, so not bad at all. I am in the same dilemma. Do I finish what's OTN or dive in to Cat's book. Have fun!
I'm glad to hear this book is a keeper. I've been wanting to check it our too.
I have one of Cat Bordhi's books, Socks Soar, but have yet to try that technique! I can't wait to see what cool stuff you come up with! BTW, my sister loves her sock keychain, and I haven't lost my keys since I put my pink sock on there :D I can always spot it!
I'm anxiously awaiting this books arrival - after seeing her on Knitty Gritty, I've been wanting to try her toe-up Coriolis sock and wanting to read her book as well.
Oh you and your constant tempting me! I'm so happy you FINALLY got your book, it looks like it's going to be keeping you busy for quite a while. I'm excited to see the finished socks. I'd say finish the ones you have on the needle that way you can narrow down the one you want to knit first in the book. :D
Relax about it all! Once you sit down, and have a cup of tea and realize that you're just being overwhelmed at the moment you'll find time for everything. :D
Wow, you could get lost for days in that book, I bet. Have fun!!
You're so funny! But I know what you mean.
Reading about this...I think I'll eventually have to get the book. I wasn't impressed with her "Sock Soars on 2 Circs" at all....but seeing the photo in this post kind of make me want to give Cat another try.
...now, I only I weren't broke. :-p
You sound so excited! Enjoy your evening with your new book :-)
Must go and order it.
I am soooooo glad you got your book!!!! Can't wait to see what you create first!!
I love the picture of that sock. I so need that book now. What fun and creative designs!
I just love happy mail. Enjoy your book!
ich will das buch auch! nettes blog schön es gefunden zu haben
:-) bea
Das Buch sieht interessant aus. Na ja, hast aber lange darauf warten müssen. Bin schon gespannt, welches Modell Du als erstes daraus stricken wirst.
Have fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!
I'm not a big Cat Bordi fan, but WOW--that is one gorgeous sock. Looks like I'll have to add it to my wish list!
Thanks for making me add another book to my list of "must haves". And it'll go straight to the top of the list too. All because of your post, darn you!
Hallo Monika!
DU bist aber auch einer Verführerin! Ich befürchte, ich brauche dieses Buch. Gibt es natürlich hier noch nicht, grummel..
Jedenfalls bin ich froh, dass Du es endlich hast. Diese Warterei ist nix für Dich *zwinker*
Viele Grüsse von Heike
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